Angel Investing / Venture Resources

It feels like I’ve had the same conversation with about a dozen people lately and figured I should take Andrea Barrica’s advice and write a blog post and simply point people to it. The questions I get asked are around getting into angel or venture investing and where to start to get more information. My answer for most has been to start to get to know the space by reading a few books, listening to some podcasts, and subscribing to some newsletters and blogs. It’s not what I did but I’ve accumulated some interesting resources over the last few years and think it’s worth sharing them. I plan to update the list as I come across new and interesting resources.

On a related note, I am launching a new series on angel investing within my Piloting Your Life podcast (first episode on March 6th which goes into more detail as to why I recommend these resources). Each week I plan to release a 10 minute episode on how I operate as an angel investor, what I’ve learned, what I am seeing, and the events I am attending. Should be fun!

Here are some of my favorite resources (for various reasons):

· Angel the book by Jason Calcanis

· Venture Deals by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson

· Impact with Wings: Stories to Inspire and Mobilize Women Angel Investors and Entrepreneurs by Suzanne Andrews, Jagruti Bjikha, Karen Bairley Kruger, Christine Emilie Lim, Wingee Sin, and Hana Yang

· Masters of Corporate Venture by Andrew Romans

· The Twenty Minute VC (podcast)

· SheInvests (podcast)

· The Pitch by Gimlet Media

· The Full Ratchet with Nick Moran

· Fred Wilson’s blog

· Brad Feld’s blog

· CB Insights Newsletter

· PitchBook Newsletters

· Inside Venture Capital (newsletter)

I subscribe to some industry specific newsletters and podcasts as well:

· MobiHealthNews (newsletter)

· Fierce family of newsletters

· Mercom Healthcare IT

· Digital Health Today podcast

· Rock Health podcast

· A16z podcast

· This Week in Tech (TWiT) podcast

Kate McAndrew of Bolt has started to blog and she’s writing some good stuff

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or have some resources for me to check out and possibly add to the list. I am insatiably curious and cannot consume information about investing an startups fast enough!



Terri Hanson Mead
Female Founders Lead the Way: Startups, Pitching, Marketing, Building, Investing

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.