Moving to 100% Renewable Energy

Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

For so many today who are working from home, running our business from the basement office, or launching our stealth startup on our off hours, the shift to relying on our infrastructure is so apparent: increased electricity usage, more internet needs, and all the needs of home and work and school combined, make it a rough time especially working in small spaces with kids and adults on Zoom and Webex and Hangouts and Bluejeans meetings non-stop.

Have you noticed an increase in your power bill?

If you have, consider the current times as another reason why it’s so important — now, as always— to think about making the switch to a renewable source of energy.

From work at Green America, we know that the telecommunications companies have pledged to move to other sources of power beyond fossil fuels: Major Progress in the Fight to Hang Up on Fossil Fuels. We also know that moving into a fossil-fuel-free future is possible: a recent uptick shows electric vehicles works, if you watch Tesla stock. The World Economic Forum exhorts us to ”reset” and move to solar as the cost of implementing solar energy becomes less expensive than relying on fossil fuels. The U.S. Small Business Administration explains the trend for more environmentally-sustainable options. The timing is right!

Arcadia Power is the solution we’ve used at our family for converting to a fossil free power source. On 100% wind energy for a small additional fee, the setup is simple and works like so:

If you want a gift certificate to REI, use our founder’s registration link here:

Then, find your zip code. Owners and renters may both participate.

If alternate energy is available for your zip code, you can sign up! All you do next is connect your power bill to the Arcadia system, add a credit or debit card, and you’re set up. The next time your power bill becomes due, Arcadia will then pay it, and will charge your card. You support #fossilfree and #solarenergy #windenergy and there is minimal changeover or setup time.

It’s easy!

walk through of how to check if Arcadia works in your area

For more information about how Arcadia works with wind energy:

For more information, visit

