The secret to true happiness

Happy is an emotion.

Emotions come from our thoughts.

If you are looking outside of yourselves for happiness you may find it at first. A short burst of it, anyway.

But it never lasts.

A piece of cake. A glass of wine. A vacation to a tropical island.

If you keep looking for these things to make you happy you may end up gaining weight, hungover and broke!

Since the joy from them is so short lived, typically only when you are EATING, DRINKING or on VACATION.

We cannot have infinite cake, wine and vacations and … even if you could, the joy from them would diminish. You probably have experience of this… finishing the last cookies even though you were no longer enjoying them.

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I was working with a client that wanted to lose weight so she could be happy. That was what she believed — that if she could lose the weight she would be happy.

Anyone reading this that is not currently looking to lose weight can verify that being a certain weight does not automatically create happiness.

What I taught my client was you get to be happy whatever you weigh.

There is no rule saying only people that weigh X can be happy.

Quite the opposite.

If you focus on your thinking and managing your mind first, you will learn control.

From this place you are able to achieve your goal in a healthy way, through building a habit of kindness to your body — feeding it nutritiously and working out in a balanced way.

You will have heard me say happiness is not a permanent state. No emotion is.

BUT we can create happiness by managing our mind.

Right now ask yourself, what makes you happy?

Be detailed.

Don’t say “my family”, for example, say “I am really close with my family, we have a great relationship and I know I can rely on them.”

Pull out the thoughts that are causing the happiness.

We give so much more emphasis to our negative thinking patters when we aren’t managing our mind.

Use this simple question to bring your positive thinking patterns to the forefront of your mind!

Pen to paper. Do the work! Focus on what is already making you happy. It is so simple.

P.S. Do you wish you could be happy ALL the time?

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Vikki Coaching
Female Founders Lead the Way: Startups, Pitching, Marketing, Building, Investing

Reformed Hustler → Time Hacker Taking on the 40 hours work week and the story that “things take time.”