This Week Trends : Be Your Own Wonder Woman

The new Wonder Woman movie has risen to number #1 on the charts and is gaining popularity all around the world. But there is an even bigger message behind the film that women are embracing. The worldwide trend of Wonder Woman has sparked the conversation of women empowerment and presented the question, what does it mean to be “Wonder Woman”?

I can honestly say that as I was sitting in the movie theater, I was one of the many people guilty of envisioning themselves in Wonder Woman’s shoes as she kicked some bad guy butt. But as we watch her and wish we could possess some characteristic of hers, we sometimes forget the true importance of this beautiful superhero. She originated from a tribe of strong women who fought for themselves and their livelihood. They did not let the influence and boundaries set by men impede their journey. Today’s generation of women are hearing this message loud and clear and are truly living by it.

2017 has proven to be the year of strong, powerful, and inspirational women. Every single day, more women are daring to test the limits and work hard to make their biggest dreams a reality. Women are half of the world and deserve to have our voices be heard. According to statistics, women account for 47% of the U.S.’ workforce and 70–80% of all consumer purchases through their buying power and influence (Forbes). It is these significant numbers that further prove the value that we as women hold in the world.

We are living in an age where mothers, sisters, and daughters are dreamers, and more importantly leaders. As women, we are breaking boundaries and making strides in all industries. As Lynda Carter stated in a recent appearance, “Wonder woman lives. Do not doubt it. She lives in every woman. You can be anything…learn, know, be everything that you dream. Because unless you dream it, it can’t be done”. So, the next time you find yourself wishing you were smarter, prettier, or more anything, remember that wonder woman is more than just a superhero. She is a warrior that exists within every woman who dares to be her true self. Continue the journey that Wonder Woman has embarked on by joining the army of women who are determined to make a difference in the world. Women are stronger than they have ever been and as women, we are even stronger together. We must support, love, and protect one another to continue the growth of women all around the world.

The world is finally ready to listen to what women have to say and everything we have to offer. It is our job now to raise our voices, take risks, and fight for what we believe in. We are doctors, lawyers, artists, entrepreneurs, dreamers, and whoever else we want to be. It is time to find where your next adventure takes you.

In the spirit of Wonder Woman, grab your red cape and be ready to be your hero.

Phromsavanh is a passionate serial entrepreneur creating business solutions in the industry she knows best — fashion. She is an innovative brand builder with multifaceted expertise in retail, marketing, strategy, business development, and consumer behavior. Phromsavanh is an acclaimed Keynote speaker and enjoys speaking on topics that include — entrepreneurship, minority women in business, leadership, women’s empowerment, E-commerce, shopping habits and personalization, fashion, retail, and motivational ideas for carving a non-conventional path. Contact Monica to have her speak at your company event or conference soon.



Monica Phromsavanh
Female Founders Lead the Way: Startups, Pitching, Marketing, Building, Investing

Founder of EQUAL HANDS 😎 Fashion Ecologically and Socially Sustainable Lifestyle Brand. Every purchase is positively impacting the world♻️