Visible Greatness: 14 Black Female Founders Who Shine

Being a Black female tech entrepreneur continues to be an incredible experience. In the midst of the crazy that is co-founding a company — I’ve been intentional about taking brief moments to reflect, celebrate and share.

Recently, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time thinking about the impact that Black women have made in business and tech both in this country and globally. Far too often, our conversations focus on the missing…rather than the present.

In the 5 years since I’ve been officially venturing — the work of these 14 Black women specifically have continued to inspire me. To them, individually and publicly….I just wanted to say Thank You. …For being visible, for building in public and for daring to dream.

My hope is that we will continue to amplify each other’s work and publicly recognize those who inspire us and blaze a trail.

Sian Morson

CEO, Kollective Mobile

Thank you for your imagination and for bringing your full self to your work. For always being open to brainstorm, mentor and encourage those following your path.

Heather Hiles

CEO, Pathbrite

Thank you for being fearless and bringing your vision to life. Thank you for always being willing to share “the secrets” of your success and for being an incredible mentor and champion for what is right.

Sandee Kastrul

CEO, i.c.stars

Thank you for changing this ‘diversity in tech’ game in 1998. Thank you for teaching leadership and not just code. Thank you for being the God-Mother of tech in Chicago. Thank you for saving my life.

Tiffani Ashley Bell

CoFounder, Detroit Water Project

Thank you for being a brilliant, hip-hop loving, language agnostic, badass, mission focused founder. I am so grateful for your work.

Kathryn Finney

Founder, Digital UnDivided

Thank you for sharing your stories. Thank you for the community fostered by FOCUS100 and for your work to end the invisibility of the Black women tech founders.

Charisse Conanan Johnson

Founder, The Charisse Amanda Group

Thank you for being fierce and so sharp. Always. Thank you for being a serial entrepreneur and continuing to build solutions. And thank you for sending the message in everything you do that excellence is not only achievable — but should be expected.

Ava St. Claire

Founder, Moonrose Agency

Thank you for dreaming. And for loving Blackness and for using your incredible talents and gifts to foster economic and intellectual greatness in communities written off by so many.

Cheryl Contee


Thank you for always being visible and fierce. And for lending your voice to those without a platform. And for supporting the dreams and visions of others — all while at the top of the innvoation game.

Daphne LaRose

Founder, BlackFemaleCoders

Thank you for being a badass engineer and for your selfless work to create space where Black women tech practitioners can heal and grow and connect and be visible. You are a rock star.

Adria Richards

Founder, EveryoneHacks

Thank you for being vocal and present and for being the driving force behind the work of so many. Thank you for always bringing humor when it’s needed and for bringing compassion to tech.

Stephanie Lampkin

Founder, Blendoor

Thank you for being a builder and for teaching me so much about community and the importance of supporting one another particularly as brilliant thinkers and change makers in spaces that may propel our work but harm our spirit.

Kat Calvin

Founder, Michelle in Training

Thank you for being SO smart and for speaking out against injustice. And for seeing what’s missing in the world — and building it!! And for traveling the country to foster community for adult Blerds. And for being an amazing connector.

Morgan DeBaun

CoFounder, Blavity

Thank you for being authentic and true to your experiences. Thank you for challenging the status quo and demonstrating how to bring beautiful and meaningful ideas to life on the web (especially my Twitter feed).

Kimberly Bryant

Founder, BlackGirlsCode

Thanks for reminding the world that Black girls DO in fact code. Thank you for giving girls like me around the globe a voice. Thank you for always being so gracious and open to sharing your gifts.

Black women building tech companies. We are here. We exist.

Support our work. Support each other.

