Wrapup from the 2018 YCFFC Female Founders Conference

Watch the livecast: http://bit.ly/ffcnyc18

Here’s a quicklink to the YouTube archive of the amazing Y Combinator sponsored Female Founders Conference in New York City, held June 2018.


Many thanks to all the organizers and participants!

16:15 Welcome & Keynote | Jessica Livingston

40:25 Nine Things you can learn from My story

43:44 Founder Talk |
Cofounders of The Muse: Alexandra Cavoulacos and Kathryn Minshew
With Kat Manalac, Partner at Y Combinator

1:05:49 Fireside Chat| Shan-Lyn Ma, CEO of Zola
Moderated by Kirsty Nathoo, Partner/CFO at Y Combinator

1:24:17 Panel | Essential Startup Advice
Moderated by Adora Cheung, Partner at Y Combinator, with
Tiffani Ashley Bell, Founder at The Human Utility
Alana Branston, Founder at Bulletin
Reham Fagiri, Founder at AptDeco

1:47:37 Mariya Nurislamova, Founder, Scentbird

2:30:46 Founder Talk with Reshma Shetty, Ginkgo Bioworks

2:48:58 On-Stage Pitch Practice
with Adora Cheung & Holly Liu, YC with Naira Musallam, Co-Founder of Frontier7

3:10:05 YC Partner Q&A | YC Partners:
Jessica Livingston, Adora Cheung, Kat Manalac, Kirsty Nathoo, Carolynn Levy, Holly Liu (moderated by Sharon Pope, YC)

Photo source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BkqcJhygUEO/?taken-by=femalefounders1

