The single fastest way to raise your vibration.

Valentine Stockdale
Female Leaders
Published in
8 min readSep 24, 2023

How tantric Kundalini practices can greatly fast-track your spiritual evolution.

If you’re interested in kundalini, expanding your consciousness, fast-tracking your spiritual evolution or otherwise avoiding repeatedly incarnating on this planet unnecessarily, you will really appreciate this article. It specifically relates to a little-known type of tantric meditation involving Kundalini energy that may well be — bar none — the single fastest and most effective way to heal and self-actualise.

DISCLAIMER: Since this practice comes with potentially VERY significant risks, you are strongly encouraged to read all the way to the end — or seek immediate advice right now from a specialist in Kundalini activations.

If you’re super impatient and are determined to skip ahead, proceed to bullet point 10 below.

As a dedicated mystic, I made a commitment many years ago to study all wisdom traditions and to follow NONE of them. My operating theory (which I still maintain) is that no single wisdom tradition has the full picture; they all have PARTS of the full divine truth of existence and all those truths are important to understand how best to progress through existence. Therefore, to be indoctrinated into only ONE system at the expense of all others may well yield results — but they are guaranteed to be sub-optimal.

Having immersed myself so far in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Shamanism, Taoism, Celtic Paganism and Hermeticism, I began studying the Divine Feminine 4 years ago. This, in turn, led me to read a great deal about the first apostle Miriam of Magdala, and her partner and guru Yeshua (aka ‘Jesus’ — note: there was no letter ‘J’ in Aramaic).

For those that don’t already know this, scholars everywhere have already reached consensus that a man named Yeshua did indeed live around the first century CE, caused a huge kerfuffle as a consequence of his teachings, and was subsequently crucified by the Romans. So let’s do away with any initial skepticism about whether the underlying story is true.

It is.

The ancient citadel in Jerusalem where Yeshua spent time.

So I actually began my study of ‘Christ Consciousness’ to understand The Suppression of the Feminine which led me to the greatly revered tantric text ‘The Magdalene Manuscript’, which I strongly recommend to all reading this.

More recently I progressed to reading ‘Anna, Grandmother of Jesus’ which contains an extraordinary amount of additional detail which is highly relevant to the practise.

Of particular relevance here are ‘The Berlin Codex’ and ‘Papyrus Rylands 463’ (both different versions of the same ‘Gospel of Mary’). A lot of this data also appears to be contained within the Nag Hammadi along with the Gospels of Thomas and Philip (authenticated documents purposefully excluded from the official bible). Here are my conclusions so far:

  1. Yeshua was not a demi-god but a super high-consciousness human being whose chakras were so balanced and open he was able to love strangers unconditionally. Moreover, his knowledge of his practice was so extensive and rehearsed he was able to answer extremely complex philosophical questions quickly and with profound clarity.
  2. His uncle was an extremely wealthy tin and lead merchant (the equivalent of a modern steel tycoon) and had his own fleet of merchant ships which he used to take young Yeshua to numerous international locations (especially Britain) which allowed the young Yeshua to train under numerous wisdom traditions, including the Druids.
  3. When Yeshua began his public ministry in Galilee at the age of 30, his spiritual practice and manner of showing up was so beautiful that people became addicted to being around him.
  4. He repeatedly denied that he was a deity.
  5. He became, in that specific lifetime, the perfect manifestation of the Divine Masculine which means he realised the highest level of consciousness possible for a human man. As a consequence, after his passing, he did not reincarnate again in human form.
  6. Yeshua constantly challenged traditional gender roles and stereotypes. As a consequence, Yeshua had numerous female disciples and he was clear that he considered women suitable to teach his doctrine.
  7. Yeshua’s favourite disciple was Miriam from Magdala who, prior to meeting Yeshua, was already a highly accomplished priestess of a prestigious Egyptian wisdom tradition.
  8. Miriam subsequently became one of Yeshua’s most devoted and successful pupils.
  9. Yeshua, being a man, was also in love with her, and therefore quite naturally spent more time with her than with any of his other disciples.
  10. Miriam and Yeshua used specific kundalini exercises (practices well known in modern-day tantra) through which Yeshua generated ‘life force energy’ (aka ‘kundalini’) which he used to systematically charge up his light body — an expression synonymous with ‘expanding his consciousness’.
  11. The specific kundalini activities used by Yeshua are described in explicit detail in ‘The Magdalene Manuscript’ and involve a meditative practice in which a person of any gender may generate life force energy in the sexual center of the body in order to pull that life force energy up the center of the body to the cranium which, if done correctly, stimulates the brain to secrete two liquids, one white, one red.
  12. For this practice to be successful, no other person is required to be present; and your birth gender, sexuality and sexual identity have no bearing on its effectiveness. Good news right?!
  13. The secretion of these two anointing liquids into the brain has the effect of massively increasing the expansion of your consciousness — an expression that is synonymous with ‘raising your vibration’ and ‘reaching toward enlightenment’ and it is quite likely that this specific type of meditative kundalini practice is, bar none, the fastest and most effective way to reach toward massively expanded consciousness.
  14. Some of the disciples were increasingly annoyed by the special attention Yeshua paid to Miriam, especially Simon Peter (aka Saint Peter) who, according to multiple gospels, repeatedly challenged Yeshua about it.
  15. Peter was most likely annoyed about Miriam’s good standing and/or leadership prospects because in ancient Israel at that time in the 1st century CE: (a) men typically held positions of authority and leadership in both the religious and societal spheres; and (b) women were expected to be modest, obedient, and primarily focused on their roles within the family.
  16. Upon Yeshua’s passing, Peter lied to the other disclines saying that Yeshua had informed him privately that: (a) Peter now had exclusive authority to deliver all further teachings; and (b) women were not allowed to teach any longer. Peter’s false claims served the desires and egos of the other male disciples who subsequently carried forward these falsehoods.
  17. When Peter was subsequently crucified by Emperor Nero, a tomb was built around Peter’s burial site, which subsequently grew into the fortress known today as The Vatican — and his followers then perpetuated the falsehood that authority to teach ‘righteousness’ was theirs alone and that women were banned from teaching.
  18. Consequently, the modern patriarchal religion known as Christianity was formed as a direct consequence of lies that grew out of one man’s jealousy that his guru favoured his beloved and, as a consequence of making love with her, imparted to her teachings specific to the divine union that takes place between the masculine and feminine.

It is very much worth remembering that these beautiful texts are clear on the following three points:

  1. None of the original teachings advocated for worshipping Yeshua. Instead, the original teachings (before they were taken and twisted to indoctrinate people) call us to simply “do as he did”, in other words: study Yeshua’s perspectives, beliefs, behaviors and practises and then lovingly replicate them in your life.
  2. A great many of us have the capacity to reach — in this same lifetime — the highest level of consciousness attainable for a human being (as Yeshua did in his lifetime). It is simply a matter of how willing you are to prioritise discovering the authentic teachings and implementing them decisively and passionately in the here and now.
  3. You are encouraged to reflect on the idea that you may not be as far away from where Yeshua got to in his lifetime as you may think. And, if you find yourself strongly called to track down some of these texts or order some of the above-referenced books, you are probably especially close.

Two important caveats:

  1. Once you have reached the mountain top — the pinnacle of enlightenment — you will still need to spend the rest of your current life walking through the shadow-filled valley of daily human existence. There is no avoiding the mundane however you will be infinitely well equipped to live that experience courageously, peacefully, and in continuous love for all that is.
  2. Most people who truly understand kundalini recommend using EXTREME caution with regards to pulling it up the body. People can end up in psychiatric hospitals as a consequence of these activities. The reason for that is: pulling the kundalini up through the chakra system is a way of cleaning out your chakras from blocked energy. And that blocked energy is essentially your traumas in energetic form. Releasing a lot of it this blocked traumatic energy — all in one go — can spontaneously give rise to pain too overwhelming for the mind/body to cope with, giving rise to potential psychosis. And yet, it’s exactly this type of trauma-induced stuck energy blocking our chakras that keep our vibration low (ie. experiencing lower vibrational emotions like rage, fear, shame and guilt). So you can understand then why using such kundalini exercises will enable you — with the appropriate guidance and support — to clean out that stuck energy. And, you can also understand how this type of kundalini practice can eventually give rise to a perpetually high vibrational being who is able to show up loving and courageous in every circumstance and teach from that place, for the benefit of everyone they come into contact with.

If in doubt, before reading these texts or considering these practices, reach out to someone who truly understands kundalini energy and get professional advice.

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The writer, Valentine Stockdale is a commercial strategist and investment readiness coach working in service to female business leaders in pursuit of SDG#5. He is a mystic, passionately devoted to spirituality and self-actualization and the study of all religions, philosophies and esoteric wisdom traditions. You can read more about his work with female leaders at



Valentine Stockdale
Female Leaders

Strategy and investment readiness support for female business leaders building the impact companies of the future.