Go big!

10 keys to unlock the superpowers within you

Dora Dora


Amazing illustration by amazing FemGem Rozalina Burkova

Listening to the amazing stories on FemGems podcast, you get carried away by the person’s journey. But if you listen closely, you’ll notice that between the lines of a startup story lies the entrepreneurial mindset writing that story.

Yana graduated in Denmark — at a time where there were no jobs for new graduates. As a foreigner not knowing the language, she was even at a bigger disadvantage. Circumstances in which most people would despair, get depressed, blame the time and the economy, give up, go back home.

Key 1: How you react to circumstances defines you

It’s not your circumstances that shape your life. Your response to them does.

Yana’s response was trying to be occupied during the time she didn’t have a job. She was still sending out applications and as a fresh graduate, she was also unsure whether she has some value to offer on the market. In order to prove that, she was willing to work on whatever project comes across.

At the same time her boyfriend was developing a dating app. Trying to be helpful, she discovered the need of design for the app. Then she found a person who could help out with that and connected them. They started working together.



Dora Dora

Founder of FemGems. Passionate about personal development, social impact and female leadership.