Rene Hirsch
Feminine Future
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2020


23. The Patient

The next day, Marianna is at her desk. A forty-year-old woman is sitting in front of her. She is wearing a sweater and jeans, and her hijab emphasizes a face made-up with great care.


On the phone, you told me that you have an eight-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy, that your husband beats you and that he also beats your children.

You have filed a complaint about domestic violence, but you were told that it would be weeks before it is taken care of. Have I got it right?




Forgive me for asking you this, but I see no visible marks of violence on your face, and it’s necessary that I see them to help you.


He always manages to hit me in places that no one can see. Look…

She removes her sweater. Her chest, her back, her shoulders and her arms are strewn with long marks such as those made by a whip. Their colors indicate that some are very recent. Marianna also sees various bruises and the distinctive round marks left by a burning cigarette.

MARIANNA, nauseated

It’s really dreadful. What cruelty!

The woman puts her sweater back on.


Does he also sexually abuse you?

THE PATIENT, almost inaudible

Sometimes… Not very often, though.

MARIANNA, suddenly worried

And your daughter?

Looking at the floor, the woman nods her head.

MARIANNA, with a very soft voice

And your little boy?

The woman puts her face between her hands and bursts into tears.


He’s a monster…

Marianna takes a tissue from her bag and gives it to the woman. She then stands up, goes around her desk, and puts her hand on the woman’s shoulder.


I will help you.

* * * * *

The woman thanks Marianna warmly and leaves, closing the door behind her. Marianna returns to her work when the door is opened quite violently. The woman reappears with four men around her. She looks scared.

Marianna wants to say something when one of the men asks her:


Are you Marianna Erbili?


Who are you?

THE INSPECTOR, showing his credentials

I’m Inspector Amaç from Internal Affairs. You are under arrest for subversive activities.

(to two of his agents)

Handcuff them and take them to headquarters!

(to the fourth agent)

Comb everything thoroughly!

THE PATIENT, to Marianna, whining

They were waiting for me outside. They said that if I didn’t cooperate, I would never see my children again. What will they do to us?

Marianna does not answer. While Amaç is going through the papers on Marianna’s desk, the agents take the two women out of the room through the Omid office where several women are working. Marianna catches the eyes of one of them and has just enough time to articulate “Asherah” with her lips before being pushed outside.

