Part One

Tehran, Iran 2031

Rene Hirsch
Feminine Future
2 min readFeb 1, 2020


3. The Bus

The street is empty. Everything is clean and neat in the soft shades of the early morning light.

On the sidewalk, behind a bus stop with its digital panels switched off, a white building with a modern but sober architectural design is separated from the public space by a manicured lawn. Planted in the grass, a large green board says in golden letters in Farsi: “Insemination and Fertilization Centre. Government Research Laboratory”.

A noisy bus covered with graffiti and advertisements in Farsi and in English arrives. Its decrepit state contrasts with the tidy surroundings. The bus stops with sighs of exhaustion. It rocks from side to side as it offloads its passengers, and starts to move again in a cloud of black smoke that marks its effort. On the sidewalk, a group of five women wearing colorful clothes and scarves walks toward the entrance of the building in silence.

The late afternoon traffic is intense. On the other side of the street, people are waiting for the bus. Asherah (25) is among them. She is wearing a long green coat, her head covered with a green scarf.

Invisible loudspeakers broadcast music interspersed with commercials and political slogans in Farsi and in English.

The very clear and limpid sound of a bell announces a driverless bus that stops without a sound along the sidewalk. The passengers get on, and the bus leaves silently.

The bus makes its way through the chaotic traffic of the city center. Asherah is standing and holds a security bar. When the bus stops, she gets off. The sidewalk is crowded. As the bus leaves, she approaches a stall where a costermonger is selling fruit and vegetables.

A road winds between a row of dilapidated buildings on one side and a large wasteland on the other. The place is desolated. Only dogs occupy the place. A golden one is lying fully stretched on the road.

A bus appears, and the dog moves to the side.

At the bus stop, the remaining passengers get off, cross the road and head for the buildings. Asherah is among them. She carries two bags full of groceries.

Once empty, the bus leaves. The golden dog retakes possession of the place.

The park

In the cold but sunny early spring, many enjoy their lunch break on the benches of the park.

Asherah and Nahid (38) are walking side by side, quietly. Both are lost in their thoughts.

Suddenly, Asherah looks at her watch, says a few words to Nahid, kisses her, and leaves in a hurry.

