Feminism: Female Supremacy Not Gender Equality

Most men are good people. Feminism is a political tool being used by a small number of women in influential positions to exact revenge on men for perceived historical injustices. These women are not striving for gender equality, they are systematically working towards female supremacy. They are succeeding and this is having real life consequences for boys and young men today.

Feminism has become an international multi-billion-dollar industry receiving billions in tax payer money from the US and European governments (organisations such as the European Women’s Lobby and the National Organization for Women). A large proportion of these taxpayer funds are spent on women-only initiatives that spread misandry and misinformation to support female supremacy.

Today’s feminist movement is an attack on boys and men in education, the work place and society at large. There is no equivalent political organisation for men with billions in funding to represent the issues men face and as a result feminists have succeeded in changing laws to create double standards that favour women and are bias against men. They have also succeeded in controlling the public narrative that paints all men as potential predators, abusers and oppressors while painting all women as victims.

A man’s greatest weakness is his illusion of strength. A woman’s greatest strength is her illusion of weakness.

Facts over Feminism:

23% of families in the UK are single parent, female led households

74% of Primary and secondary school teachers in England are women

This means millions of boys in the UK are growing up without a male role model at home or in school. Fatherlessness (or lack of a strong, positive male role model) is the biggest predictor of negative outcomes for a child

What are the consequences of women dominating Primary and Secondary school education?

Research has shown that having a male teacher increases the efforts of female students whereas a having a female teacher decreases the efforts of male students

Across more than 60 developed countries girls receive higher marks compared with boys of the same ability. Teachers are said to reward “organisational skills, good behaviour and compliance” (traits more common in girls because of their biology) rather than objectively marking pupils’ work

Texts stipulated by the National Curriculum are geared more towards girls than boys. Research has shown that in classes where boys were taught English from non-fiction texts rather than classical novels, boys achieved better results

Boys are 50% less likely than girls to meet basic proficiency standards in reading, math and science

Because of differences in male and female brains and hormone levels boys respond well to competition, physical activity and visual stimuli and are less able to sit still in class and comply the way their female counterparts can, as a result boys are at a significant disadvantage in a heavily feminized school system (74% of Primary and Secondary school teachers in England are female)

More than half of primary schools are holding non-competitive sports days that fail to announce ‘winners’. This is due to teachers not wanting children’s feeling to be hurt by losing. 82% of parents wanted ‘old school’ competitive sports days back on the basis that children must realise ‘you can’t always win at everything in life and sometimes you have to lose’. This is a result of the feminization of our schools

Boys are three times more likely to be expelled from school because instead of using teaching methods more suited to testosterone filled young boys teachers are treating them as defective girls and punishing them if they do not behave as girls

Research has shown that boys perform significantly better when taught in all boys schools compared to the smaller improvement girls experience when taught in all girls schools. In other words, mixed classrooms disadvantages boys more than girls

UCAS data revealed girls are 36% more likely to apply to university than boys — a record high number. Last year 57% of girls went compared to 43% of boys

“Boys are left to fail because any attempt to help them is met with the wrath of feminists” Mary Curnock Cook ex- Head of UCAS (The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, a UK-based organisation whose main role is to operate the application process for British universities)

Ben King, a 30-year-old male teacher of a Year 5 class at a Horsham primary school says there is an underlying suspicion of men who teach in primary schools. This suspicion is promoted by the feminist agenda to portray all men as potential abusers. It ensures that male children are taught within a feminine framework and that they are punished for their natural masculinity which is now defined as “toxic”

There is a significant issue of female teachers sexually abusing young boys this issue is significantly under reported because we have been taught that women are victims and men are abusers. We provide excuses such as “he wanted it” even though the boys are underage

Socio economic consequences of feminism for boys and young men

Many boys are diagnosed with ADHD and given powerful drugs with dangerous side effects to alter their behaviour all because they are simply displaying perfectly healthy signs of masculinity: competition, controlled aggression, rambunctiousness etc. we are treating healthy boys as defective girls and medicating them if they cannot behave feminine — men and women are different they have different brains and different hormone profiles which results in among other things differences in behaviour

90% of felons are fatherless. Fathers play an important role in the upbringing of children however feminism has reduced them to a pay check

After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do for the same crime, and women are twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted for the same crime

UK CPS is disproportionately focusing on crimes committed by men against women in an attempt to bolster the feminist narrative that all men are evil

Men are nearly three times more likely than women to become alcohol dependent

Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK

Men are three times more likely to commit suicide than women. Feminists will often say women are more likely to attempt suicide but suicide “attempt” is very hard to prove so this statement is misleading

Almost 33% of men aged between 20 and 34 have yet to leave home — vs 20% of women in the same age range

The most dangerous jobs in the world are 95%+ male e.g.: oil rig worker, farmer, logging, fishing, iron and steel workers, coal mining, refuse collecting, electrical power line worker etc. Feminists are not pushing for equality in these professions they are happy to let these men die but they want 50% of CEOs to be women and 50% of government to be women

97% of all workplace deaths in the UK are male

86% of men make-up all the rough sleepers in the UK

Between the ages of 22 and 29, a woman will typically earn £1,111 more per annum than her male counterparts. After age 29 more women choose to have families, work part time or stop working all together. Even if a man has a family he must continue to work to provide for that family, in most cases he does not have a choice (the gender pay gap as presented in the media and politicians is a complete misrepresentation and is used to get women into powerful positions in government and business while leaving all the dangerous jobs to men [97% of all workplace deaths are male])

Labour MP Stella Creasy is attempting to change the law to make misogyny a hate crime. When Fathers 4 Justice, a male charity, attempted to ask to also make misandry a hate crime under the same logic, several feminist journalists who write for mainstream publications complained (essentially arguing that men who express a hatred of women should be punished by law but women who express a hatred of men should be allowed to do so)

1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. The mainstream media conveniently leaves men out when quoting this statistic to further demonize men as the great oppressor and paint all women as victims at the hands of men

Study finds women are more controlling and aggressive towards their partners than men

The mere accusation of rape can ruin a man’s entire life. It can cost a man his marriage, his children, his home, his job and his reputation. When going through a divorce, accusations of sexual assault or child molestation are the two things that can get a man immediately thrown out of his own home making it much easier for women to win custody of the children and hence receive child and spousal support — lawyers actively encourage women to make these allegations (even if untrue) because it immediately gets the man removed from his home and makes it easier for her to get a successful divorce on her terms and keep the children

False rape accusations are extremely common: in a 9-year study, 40% of accusers admitted to lying about being raped

50 % of accusers recanted their rape charges in a study of two large Midwestern universities by Kanin

More than 25 % of rape accusers admitted that they had lied about the charges in a 1985 Air Force study of 556 rape accusations. A further investigation by independent reviewers found that 60% of the original rape allegations were false

According to Linda Fairstein of the New York County District Attorney’s Sex Crimes Unit, “there are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did not happen.” Source: Fairstein,’s book, Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape

It is often said that if women were in charge there would be no war. History has shown us that female leaders in Europe were more likely to go to war than male leaders


1) https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/what-we-do/media-centre/single-parents-facts-figures/

2) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-37552056


4) https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/02/16/female-teachers-give-male_n_1281236.html

5) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-31751672

6) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10616/Is-school-biased-boys.html

7) https://nationalpost.com/opinion/barbara-kay-the-male-crisis-thats-ruining-our-boys-and-no-one-cares-about

8) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4669512/Winning-banned-half-school-sports-days.html

9) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43372977 https://pjmedia.com/drhelen/2013/10/28/boys-are-treated-like-defective-girls/

10) https://educationcentral.co.nz/new-research-shows-boys-do-better-at-single-sex-schools/

11) https://www.singlesexschools.org/advantages-forboys.htm

12) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/gender-gap-university-applications-high-men-women-ucas-figures-students-a8191491.html

13) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/2018/11/16/boys-left-fail-school-attempts-help-earn-wrath-feminists-says/

14) http://www.bristnallhallacademy.attrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ATT-Safeguarding-Newsletter-F19.pdf

15) https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5715121/why-do-so-many-female-teachers-target-young-boys-for-sex-experts-reveal-adults-lack-of-intimacy-and-over-sexualisation-of-youth-could-be-to-blame/

16) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-crime-teachers/u-s-cracks-down-on-female-teachers-who-sexually-abuse-students-idUSKBN0NC14H20150421

17) https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a32858/drugging-of-the-american-boy-0414/

18) https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/mar/08/uk-prison-population-is-biggest-in-western-europe

19) https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2013/apr/18/john-duncan/rep-john-duncan-jr-says-90-percent-felons-grew-fat/


21) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3777053/The-feminists-turning-British-justice-against-men-writes-LAURA-PERRINS.html

22) https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/key-data-mental-health

23) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/08/end-bachelor-pad-almost-third-men-live-parents-home-mid-30s/

24) https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckdevore/2018/12/19/fatal-employment-men-10-times-more-likely-than-women-to-be-killed-at-work/#249cefc152e8

25) http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/pdf/fatalinjuries.pdf

26) http://www.inside-man.co.uk/2015/03/03/97-employees-die-work-men-2009-2014-figures/

27) https://www.homeless.org.uk/sites/default/files/site-attachments/Homeless%20Link%20-%20analysis%20of%20rough%20sleeping%20statistics%20for%20England%202017.pdf (page 6)

28) https://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/aug/29/women-in-20s-earn-more-men-same-age-study-finds

29) https://www.forbes.com/sites/karinagness/2016/04/12/dont-buy-into-the-gender-pay-gap-myth/#427305382596

30) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/17/misandry-hate-crime-abusive-men-law

31) https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/feminism/2018/10/why-misandry-and-misogyny-should-be-treated-differently-when-it-comes-hate

32) https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html

33) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2669408/Rise-female-relationship-terrorists-Study-finds-women-controlling-aggressive-partners-men.html

34) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43572779

35) https://www.samaritans.org/about-samaritans/research-policy/suicide-facts-and-figures/

36) http://www.falserape.net/falserapeafa.htm

37) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4454964/Female-rulers-27-likely-wage-WAR-males.html

