Vote like You Love Someone Who Has Had an Abortion

Feminist Fables
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2020


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If you believe abortion is wrong, that is okay.

It’s okay if abortion makes you sad. It’s okay if abortion makes you uncomfortable. It’s not an easy topic to navigate, especially with so much false information surrounding it. It’s okay to not support abortion.

It is NOT okay that you think abortion should be illegal. It is not okay to vote with that intention. It is not okay to harass people on the streets for their healthcare needs.

If you are someone who relates to this statement: “I think abortion is only okay in cases like rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is in danger” then I have a few questions for you.

What about people who can’t take birth control for health or cultural reasons? Do they just have to keep having babies?

What about people whose husbands won’t let them take birth control?

What if this person has cancer? They can’t keep the pregnancy, even though they want to. Are you going to make them explain why they can’t keep a pregnancy they want, just so you can justify when abortion is okay?

What about people who are being controlled by this pregnancy? She can’t leave me if she’s pregnant.

