Does age really matter?

Never let your dreams fade away

Ishika Singh
2 min readNov 4, 2023


It’s kind of strange. The story I’m about to share. I recently got to see this strange age thing very closely. It may sound hilarious, but still I’m gonna share it!

I am learning riding bicycle now!

Yes, it’s true. I’m 14 and after so long, today I’m learning how to ride a bicycle. It is strange, trust me! The first day when I went out, I was scared of people and their laughs, and the way they looked when I was riding. I really worked hard. I literally fell. And at the end, the thing with which I struggled the most was, taking U- turn.

That day, I knew that I lack a lot! But, because I’m on training, I have the chance to correct it. And I’m glad that I have!

Photo by Martin Dube’ on Unsplash

On the second day, I went out again, talking to the wind, chatting with the cold breeze, and filling mental energy in my tired physical state. I enjoyed a lot. There was a part when I struggled the most — taking U- turn! Well, I fell thrice doing it. Although I succeed in it, but I got severe injuries in my right hand and right leg(since I was trying to take turn from right side)! I fell in front of people, which made me feel quite embarrassed.

But I learnt something, that age isn’t what really matters! It’s not just for me. It’s for people of all age group who think that time’s gone, and they now don’t have the potential to do it. One of my social studies teacher once said, “It’s never late to start over!” Though I had learnt riding bicycle in my childhood, but now I’m learning how to control it — which is crucial while riding/driving any vehicle — on all types of paths(whether smooth or the dirt one).

In other words, I’m learning riding bicycle now by real means. And the most fun part is I enjoy watching the little kiddos when they go out to ride. It’s really great having fun chit-chat with them.

Never let your dreams fade away!!



Ishika Singh

We all have got only one life. If we don't enjoy, then what's the purpose of living? :)