Human Beings: As It Turns Out, Not Made With An Erector Set

Katherine Kane
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2017



Here’s a new thing I want everyone to try. Try to stop saying that human beings are “built” for any particular state or way of being. Because at least 99% of the time, when you make such a claim, you are patently wrong.

Here’s a list of things I have heard that humans/people are built for, or aren’t built for. And in most of these examples, I’ve heard both “are” and “aren't” used about equally — indicating less differences of opinion and more a whole lot of people talking out of their asses.

  • To live in clean and neat spaces
  • To live in chaos and clutter
  • To be solitary
  • To never be alone
  • To grasp the wonders of the perceivable universe
  • To ignore what we know about the wonders of the perceivable universe
  • To live their life in the spotlight
  • To live their whole life without ever being in the spotlight
  • To believe in a higher power
  • To function without the belief in a higher power
  • To be monogamous
  • To be polyamorous
  • To live in sustained grief or depression
  • To live in a sustained state of peace or…



Katherine Kane

It all fits together. Linguistically driven, writing since pre-K, aphantasiac, student older than my profs. mobility challenged, Comp. Sex-Ed advocate.