I Read Your “Chatroom Messages”



Okay, here’s my truth. My truth of why I can’t tell the entire truth about this song. You would know exactly what the song is about and I don’t want you to know that.

Something I do want to share with you is this:

Be careful with who you look to for the truth.

When someone who I was supposed to look to for guidance told me a white lie, I couldn’t look at them in the same light again. During their short time with me, they already assumed that I was weak enough in some way that I needed to be told a white lie instead of the truth. When someone you know really well tells you a white lie, it’s much more likely that they care (at least in their own weird way).

I need someone who won’t dance around the truth, especially when I need guidance. Even now while writing this, I’ve been sending texts to these trusted people asking, “Is this too much? Can you tell exactly what happened when I say this?”


Now it’s time to party in the Baberhood as Sundae Crush tells you about being the only girl resident of Dudetown, USA in their new demo “Chatroom Messages.” Listen and try to figure out the song for yourself!

Check out Sundae Crush Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more!

