Art by Cindy Suen

Making new homes

Amber Discko
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2016


Just when you’re starting to feel that there’s no hope, something good seems to fall out of nowhere and hit you, reminding you of how important you are.

The day we announced we needed to stop publishing was an extremely low point for me. Everything sort of imploded. One minute I was strategizing ways on how we could return, the next I was crying on my couch hysterically because everything we worked so hard on seemed like it was falling apart.

Over the next few days I slowly began losing sight of why I left my job and started in the first place.

Then, out of nowhere I was hit with an email and reminded of how truly important Femsplain is.

Starting today we’ve moved to Medium and are calling it our new home.

Medium is a place where the measure of success isn’t views, but viewpoints. Where the quality of the idea matters, not the author’s qualifications. A place where conversation pushes ideas forward and words still matter.

Femsplain inspires discussion and connection through storytelling. We believe stories are most powerful when people feel safe enough to authentically share themselves — that’s why we are building an inclusive space for those who identify as women and gender nonconforming individuals to tell these personal stories.

Femsplain on Medium, a perfect match made in content Heaven.

How will Femsplain continue to build a safe community?

Femsplain still has the same goals and values that we’ve always had, and we won’t just be a blog on Medium. We’re bringing over and building a community within the Medium platform and being given the opportunity to not only reach a larger audience (25 million monthly, HECK YA!) but useful tools to help us monetize and thrive. We wouldn’t have been able to build this on our own.

Femsplain will continue to heavily moderate, but on Medium comments are called responses. Someone must have a medium account to leave a response, and responses are only visible if the author chooses to show them. It’s a really great system and Medium takes abuse very seriously. Learn more about how Medium handles trolls

Are you publishing new stories?

Yes we will. Unfortunately there won’t be open submissions until there’s a solid budget to work with. As you know, compensating our contributors is very important to us.

Did you solve your money problems?

Kind of. We don’t have enough to publish on a daily schedule. Which is why we’re soft re-launching this month and focus our efforts on building memberships.

How will you compensate your writers?

One of the really great tools we’re being given to help compensate our writers is memberships.

For the low price of $5 a month, you’ll join a creative, diverse and supportive community featuring private discussions, resources and more. This will especially benefit anyone needing a safe space to talk and seek support or advice. ANYONE. You’ll still be able to read Femsplain stories without a membership.

This will not be available for publishers until the end of the month… which is why this next section is particularly important.

We can’t publish new stories after April without reaching our fundraising goal.

We need $2,000 this month to compensate both our editor and writers until we begin making revenue from advertising and memberships.

Join 100 other friends of Femsplain and pledge $5 today

Once memberships are made available to us we’ll help you switch before anyone else.

What are other ways I can support Femsplain?

Sign up for Femsplainer. It’s our week-daily newsletter that brings you all the best Femsplain and must-read content from around the web.

Share and recommend our stories. The most helpful thing you can do is amplify our contributors voices.


  1. Femsplain owns and will always own 100% of content published.
  2. We are not Medium employees and Medium is not paying our salaries
  3. We are resuming a publishing schedule but are not taking new submissions at the moment
  4. It’s gonna be freakin’ great!

So that’s basically it! We’re eager to start this new journey and begin again.




Published in Femsplain

We publish stories to change 💛 and minds.

Amber Discko
Amber Discko

Responses (3)