Meet Caroline!

Amber Discko
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3 min readDec 19, 2016

Caroline is our member spotlight of the month! Not a member yet? Support women and non-binary voices and join our community today for $5/month!

💖 Tell us about yourself!

I grew up in Northern Virginia and moved to New York right after graduating from Wesleyan. I’m a pretty intense person, which I’m learning to embrace. I feel things very deeply and dive into things full-stop once they’ve sparked my interest — friendships, jobs, 8-layer cake recipes. My ADHD is a big contributing factor there.

I’m a writer and filmmaker, most passionate when telling stories about emotion and communication — anything about people. I’ve always been fascinated by how each individual’s mind is a self-contained universe; all of us connected by thoughts and experiences that feel unique and personal but are often shared by millions of other people. I aim to create films and art that encapsulate the messy, beautiful experience of what it means to be emotionally honest.

💖 How do you practice self-care?

The biggest thing I do for myself is see a therapist and a psychiatrist, which is a privilege I appreciate literally every day. For a long time, I had a really hard time putting my own wants/needs ahead of those around me and it contributed greatly to my anxiety. These days I make a concerted effort to give myself breaks and set boundaries that give me room to breathe — socially and professionally. I go to a weekly support group and lean on my incredibly loving and amazing friends when I’m having a hard time. Being open about my experiences has been hugely beneficial to my mental health and my relationships.

💖 What do you love most about Femsplain?

My first personal essay was published on Femsplain, and that opened up the doors to an unprecedented world of acceptance and understanding. Femsplain is a support group of thousands. The community is brimming with love and validation and kindness; I don’t think there’s another space on the Internet like it. I constantly see readers on twitter and in the comments express how an essay spoke to them or inspired them or how grateful they were to find it. That means the world to me. I’m proud to be a part of something that provides comfort and a virtual home to so many.

💖 What are you currently reading?

I’m writing a series of vignettes, so I’ve been focusing on shorts lately — short stories, short films. I’m sort of obsessed with Heather Havrilesky, but who isn’t? I loved a few short stories by Rebecca Schiff and need to read her book. I’m currently reading The New Yorker’s “20 under 40” short story collection, which is great. I really enjoyed Tavi Gevinson’s “Infinity Diaries” on Rookie — such brilliant, evocative writing.

Check out Caroline’s website or follow her on Twitter

