An Open Letter to Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein

The Ten% are Waiting for your Reply, One Year One Week

Silvia Young
2 min readNov 18, 2017


Friday, November 17, 2017

There’s 51 weeks until the next election. I spent the last 53 weeks trying to get heard by my elected officials in California. This is extremely disconcerting as a constituent. Every single day I reach out. Every single day there’s zero progress. Am I foolish for giving you my vote?

I continue to share all the hard work patient advocates have dedicated their disabled lives to in bringing the social injustice of endometriosis to light so that you, our elected officials, can ensure our rights are no longer violated. Following are well-researched, updated, patient-driven resources to bring you up-to-speed. My first step is asking for your time, your acknowledgement and your grace. Patient Stories, Media Relations ACOG Petition Research, WHO, NCDVoices Documentary Education & Support Group

After a year I’d be remiss if I didn’t realize our relationship is one-sided. How else can you explain sending me endless fundraising emails and posts, but not replying to mine? Please do not turn a blind eye, not when girls and women need you to fight for them.

Last week I sent Senator Kamala Harris my first Open Letter. It received more than 10k views in just a few days and keeps growing. But I didn’t hear from your office. The same offices I’ve called many times leaving my name and number.

This week I sent emails via your website, plus tagged and responded on social media daily, and wrote another Open Letter. Countless hours this week again. It’s now end-of-day Friday. Another week of silence.

I don’t plan to give up. Each week I’ll add another elected official that “supports women’s rights” until we find a champion to include us in the conversation. Someone that believes in us so we can believe in them.

Thank you for reading,

The Ten%



Silvia Young

Activist, best-selling author, survivor stage 4 xtrapelvic endo, ME/POTS; Founder #FemTruth #UniteEndo #UnitedStatesofEndo #GASLIT + Communications Advisor