Finding My Purpose

Adulting is Perspective

Silvia Young
2 min readNov 7, 2017


It’s true. I am transitioning from a full-time, volunteer, advocate to charging a speaking fee and branding merchandize <gasp!>.

It is a topic I’ve mulled over for a long time. But I live in intention and my intention is good. Really good. I’m human though, and how I’m perceived effects me, deeply. I wish it didn’t. But it does. Putting my intention into the universe will hopefully release the burden of stress that’s been holding me back from being me.

If money wasn’t as issue, this would be a moot point. I wish I didn’t have to worry about money, but I live in the real world and I’m already at a disadvantage on the medical expenses spectrum. My new agent is a true believer though, so I’m jumping in ready to bust out of my comfort zone and meet other women motivated to affect change.

Ready for Women’s March Bay Area, FemTruth Socks FemTruth Shop

My awareness and social-media platforms within the endometriosis community (for my endosisters) are many and free, but now it’s time to spread my wings to see how far I can take this message of social injustice. The big picture is so much bigger than me.

Speaking at conferences and sharing ‘My FemTruth’ is my next step. It’s my brand. My purpose. After decades of misery from endometriosis, I found me.

It’s taken everything I have to be ready for this. Literally blood, sweat and tears. Finally I’m ready to advocate out loud, using my voice and creativity, and most rewardingly, the opportunity to contribute financially to my family.

I wish to rise. I hope you’ll rise with me.

Sly xo



Silvia Young

Activist, best-selling author, survivor stage 4 xtrapelvic endo, ME/POTS; Founder #FemTruth #UniteEndo #UnitedStatesofEndo #GASLIT + Communications Advisor