GhostBusting, The Self-Love Trend

Silvia Young
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

Five Signs You Met a Ghost

Photo Credit: Silvia Young #FemTruth

Ghosting. We’ve all done it. That passive-aggressive way of non-verbally communicating that we’re “really not that into you” — but I commit to no longer participate in this BS.

At first no one wants to believe they’re stuck in this dysfunctional cycle and being on the receiving end is particularly humbling. Been there, done that. Suffered a fool more times than I’d like to admit.

Is someone you trust stringing you along, emotionally, professionally, and/or romantically?

When days become weeks, and promises shared on good faith are broken, it’s time for me to step back and really look at the balance of power. In order to keep up the facade of a relationship, how much of myself am I willing to sacrifice? The rotating door of excuses, valid or not, isn’t my story. Why am I choosing to write myself in?

Instead of holding on to this false narrative, I now choose to see that moment when letting go becomes more about prioritizing myself than the relationship? It gets easier to let go and close that chapter. And guess what? Even more empowering to reclaim your time.

GhostBusting Tips

  1. How much time is spent talking about substance versus excuses? Get real. Is your time together spent growing roots or still surface? How this person chooses to reveal themselves is a huge window. See what’s there, not what you want to see.
  2. Is the balance of time spent nurturing the relationship equal? It doesn’t have to be 50/50, but go look at your emails, texts, posts. Are you always initiating communication and waiting for a response? No one is that busy. Your time and energy is as important. Now you look desperate. You are not desperate.
  3. You know when you’re a priority. If it’s not reciprocated, it’s not real. Trust your instinct.
  4. Everyone’s time is valuable. Period. “I’m sorry to bother you again…” Please. Stop. Making. Excuses. No one needs to be chased. If they don’t see your value, stop trying to make them.
  5. The feeling of potential now feels like a burden. Cut the ties. Be free. Because the only one holding on is you.

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts #FemTruth



Silvia Young

Activist, best-selling author, survivor stage 4 xtrapelvic endo, ME/POTS; Founder #FemTruth #UniteEndo #UnitedStatesofEndo #GASLIT + Communications Advisor