Tim Baines
Fend Foods
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2016


Hart’s Hearty Rice & Spicy Chicken

Rice Mix
Onion 1
Carrot 2
Sweet Potato 1
Beans 3 x cans Kidney and Borlotti (or to taste)
Basmati Rice 2–3 cups

Some of the organic ingredients

Finely chop onion, grate sweet potato and carrots.
Rinse rice.
Bring to boil 2 cups of filtered water per 1 cup rice (absorption method)
Add all ingredients and simmer until rice is soft 15–20 mins.

Chicken Mix
Garlic 6 cloves
Organic Chicken
Tomato Paste organic
Premium Coconut Milk 400ml (Ayam brand)
Cayenne Powder to personal taste
Olive oil 2 table spoons

Finely chop garlic.
Slice chicken into bite size pieces.
Place oil in pan and wait until heated.
Add cayenne powder (3 teaspoons) and garlic.
Add and brown the chicken in pan.
Add tomato paste, stir then add coconut milk.
Stir mix and simmer until chicken cooked through.

Very spicy hot and moist chicken dish went really well with the simple rice and bean dish

