Famous contemporary art everyone should know

In this article, I have gathered contemporary artworks that have gained a lot of popularity in recent years.

Elitsa Yordanova
Feral Horses | Blog
3 min readAug 18, 2018


Marina Abramovic’s “ The Artist Is Present”, 2010

This image represents the live performance of Marina Abramovic at MoMA where anyone from the visitors could participate. They were involved in the artwork as they had to sit silently across the table and lock their eyes with the artist herself. For many of them it was a very emotional and moving experience. Curiously, on the first day of her representation, an ex-lover of hers appeared and brought tears to her eyes.

Ai Weiwei’s “Sunflower Seeds”

This artwork was represented in London’s Tate Modern. The sunflower seeds were made from porcelain and involved many specialists in the process. Their vast amount of 100 million, the material they were made of and its scale aspire to make visitors think of the “Made in China” phenomenon and its global influence.

Takashi Murakami’s “Flowers in Heaven”, 2010

Picture through Artsy

In Takashi Murakami’s painting you will see the colourful composition of countless flowers that Murakami cleverly drew with smiley faces in the middle. Through this painting, it is easily visible why he is called the “Asian Andy Warhol”. As more this abstract visual representation has become widely used in the fashion and media industries.

Patrick Martinez’s “Let’s get free”, 2017

Picture through ArtSpace

The neon light signs have become Patrick Martinez’ signature. He likes to engage with the reality and issues that surround us right now. You can go through this trendy contemporary artist’s work here.

Damien Hirst’s “Llullaby Spring”, 2002

Through Damien Hirst’s webiste

This artwork is part of the four-seasons composition “Llullaby, the Seasons” and exhibits a pill cabinet. Its creator is actually the priciest living artist right now and his controversial character serves as the source of his art. This composition is an allegory for the spring season.

Tauba Auerbach — Untitled (Fold), 2012

Through Tauba Auerbach’s website

This artwork looks like it has four dimensions but it is somewhere between 2 and 3 dimensional, or as she likes to call it the 2.5 dimension. It is painted on a completely flat surface where the artist has played with the colours on the already physically manipulated canvas.

Jean-Michel Basquiat — Untitled (Skull), 1993

This masterpiece worth more than 110 million dollars carries death within it. The skull has been interpreted differently by critiques and art lovers, but most of them agree on its relation to slavery, death, prison and American history.

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