Product Update #2

Francesco Bellanca
Feral Horses | Blog
2 min readJul 7, 2018

The past two weeks at Feral Horses have been pretty much focused around improving the user friendliness of some of the product.

Microcopy to inform our website visitors

Feral Horses — Error colour system

Thanks to some feedback and focus groups we realised the whole notifications structure that was supposed to help the users, was actually creating more confusion in their mind.

So we got down to work and we decided to list all the possible notifications and error messages (~100), define exactly the user journey that would lead the user to end up with that notification, and rewrite all that microcopy.

We tried to focus on consistency and normalisation: making the messages similar in tone and wording.

We also decided to redesign the error bar to match the new design framework, with the addition of a colour coding that would help the users understand what is going on, and if attention is needed.

New cute notification bar

Buy ticker

Another ferocious feedback from some of our users was linked to the fact that the buy ticker was not too keyboard friendly, so we decided to spend some time and effort in order to make the input of price and quantity of shares to buy, a simple experience.

Languages on profile

We were giving the possibility for users to input more information about themselves but we realised that some of those information were never considered by our users. The least used one was the Language spoken one. So we got rid of it.


We can’t talk about it here but hey now things are more secure on Feral Horses :D

We have a lot of cool, user centred new releases for the next update (in two weeks) so stay tuned to find out.

Check it out here and let us know if you have a couple of brilliant ideas to share!



Francesco Bellanca
Feral Horses | Blog

Art and Tech enthusiast, aware of the high probability that our world is just a digital simulation. CEO @feralhorses