Sam Creasey, Feral Artist to be, is holding an open studio day

Jess Yin
Feral Horses | Blog
3 min readJul 13, 2018

We are so excited to begin working with Creasey’s captivating artwork, go and check him out!

Flyer for Creasey’s open studio day

As a millennial, Creasey uses evolutionary technology as the primary source for this inspiration, mining the internet for digital detritus. As our world plunges into a cybernated future, Creasey’s artwork communicates an enticing, semi-fictional reflection of technological unrest on earth. He gathers relevant images from politics, the media, the environment and technology, shuffling and juxtaposing them to create a unique, subverted narrative. Each element within his painted collages depicts modern, millennial social situations based upon themes such as internet memes, pop culture, fame and fickleness.

‘Creature Comforts’ 2018, oil and spray paint on canvas

The visual effects of his paintings radiate an unnatural, synthetic feel, whether it be from protruding slabs of rusting metal, or the complex labyrinth of a computer’s hardware, like a minuscule city lit up by tiny, flashing lights. Recently, he has started a new project using the cold, curved outlines of IPhones as aesthetic structures and descriptive frameworks of his creations. The series explores our relationship with smartphones as a parallel with ideas explored in sci-fi fantasy with people and robots.

‘Ime.III’ Oil on Canvas.

Creasey symbolises the man within this man/machine paradigm, the physicality of painting humanises him, imprinting meaning into his works. He transforms the internet’s digital scrapyard into a goldmine, creating clever collages and painted masterpieces. He is able to captivate and disturb the viewer, evoking a sense of uncertainty and dystopia in the technological era, yet retain a tad of humanity through retaining an ancient craft process.

Sam Creasey’s Studio

Putney Vale is located amongst Wimbledon Common and Richmond Park in an isolated area, habituated by fewer than five hundred households. After Putney Vale and Newlands Hall community centre unfortunately shut down a few years ago, the residents were left without a community space. Creasey has kept the building alive by operating his studio from the community centre through a guardianship scheme. This large space has enabled his creativity and experimental flair to flourish. We recommend you to visit Creasey’s exhibition, indulging in his cyber-tastic, artistic fantasies.

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