The multidimensional tech aspect of art

Technology has infiltrated all fields of life including the art world. It has certainly facilitated the collection of art by multiplying the existing distribution channels.

Elitsa Yordanova
Feral Horses | Blog
3 min readJun 26, 2018


But how exactly did this happen and some additional features are mentioned in this article.

  • Social media — social media gives artists and art collectors the opportunity to communicate easily. Also, many artists are now posting their works of art on platforms such as Instagram. For example, check out Ashley Longshore’s account (@ashleylongshoreart) or Shane Miller’s (shane.artistry). Such platforms allow both sides to get to know each better and keep in touch more easily. It also removes the intermediary position of the galleries.
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash
  • Communication with the artist

As mentioned in the previous section social media platforms are one way of shortening the distance between the two sides of the art deal. The physical distance is entirely avoided and if you are more of an introvert and hate those networking events technology has got your back. Art collectors have the possibility to communicate straight away with the artist via any platform or e-mail and even make private purchases.

  • Online investments

Tech start-ups are in their zenith right now and they have not surpassed the art industry. Feral Horses is a pure example of the easiness technology is bringing to art collectors. Now more than ever art aficionados have a great variety of choices and possibilities to expand their portfolio without the need of spending a fortune.

“A person drafting a marketing campaign plan in a notebook on their lap” by rawpixel on Unsplash
  • Increase in data availability

There are websites such as Artsy and blogs that can help the making of an informed decision, but you should be careful with the data you are given. Many times too much information can be overwhelming and cloud your judgement. However, exactly technology has facilitated the decision-making process by excluding the need of hiring advisors.

  • Data analytics

The saturation of information should be carefully examined as many times it could be wrong or confusing for the purpose of your research. Never forget to check the authenticity of your source. It is interesting and useful to read reports from reputable consulting firms as their departments have already done the overall industry research and presented it to the public.

“Close-up of a tablet laid out on a newspaper” by Matthew Guay on Unsplash
  • Art availability

You do not need to fly over the world to buy a piece of art or just to see it. Many galleries now have online sections of their works of art and as mainstream as it sounds Google Images can provide you with a solid base of art pieces. Even more, art investment platforms don’t need to curate physical exhibitions saving themselves time and resources.

Register now on Feral Horses to start supporting contemporary artist’ careers here while building an investment portfolio.

