Ascending Life

John Silkey
Feral Parakeets
Published in
1 min readMay 11, 2018

I am riven with quantum fires.

Acceptance, rebirth, meeting the world,

meeting myself.


Mother is emptiness

full of painted landscapes


my mind click-whirr interprets,

heart aches unknowing,

breaks open spilling light,

distant knowledge residing

in ravines calling me home:


“Cry for your beloved world,

this life is yours,

you share it with me,

our tears sing of love,

bleed joy,

for all this

we have created together.”


She comforts me,

bringing no ease,

no light to darkness.


“Look not and think, ‘nothing,’

hear my voice,

know you are beautiful disquietude

filled of bells guiding you back.”


In desolation

I find Serenity,

her smile, my sonrisa.

I am here, and not here,

living, and dying,

real, and mirage.


The fading light

does not scare me anymore.

