DIY Wrapped in a Book Jacket.

A great book for DIY publishing.

Feral Publication
Zine News Network, aka ZNN.
2 min readApr 15, 2021


Written by staff writer Craig Atkinson.

This week I’ve been reading through ‘Whatcha Mean, What’s A Zine’, and this is what I discovered.

Originally published: 2006 Authors: Mark Todd, Esther Pearl Watson

Firstly, this is a great introductory book for those starting out in zine making. It explores what a zine is, touches on the history of print media, and takes your idea from conception, to in the hands of other zinesters. Giving you ideas into different creative ways on how you can make a zine in your own style. Well, that’s what’s printed in ink on the pages, but it’s more than that…

This book is a gateway into DIY publishing. (DIY- do it yourself)

This book might be the first time many of its readers have ever thought about the DIY approach to book making. This idea is normal for seasoned zine makers, but not everyone is familiar with the DIY world. For many, DIY is often paired with gardening, or house maintenance, and maybe
they’ve done it before.

But books?? Art?? Don’t you need a publisher or schooling for that?

And this is one reason why zines gain popularity in general society every now and then. People get sick of getting spoon fed by large publications. Much of the modern world is controlled by them, and zines are one thing that cut through all that crap. For as little as the cost of some ink and paper you can put your own creativity out there, or find other’s work that you really connect

The book is presented in a regular book format, but the more you explore it, the more it presents itself as a zine, which was their aim all along. It jumps from text based pages written on a typewriter, to comics with unique illustrations.

This book is a testament to what makers of well supported zines and art can create. The head makers of this book are the creators behind Fun Chicken (Mark Todd & Esther Pearl Watson), and together with 20+ zinesters they put their knowledge and experience to pass on to others.

And that’s one thing that really stands out for me. Being a zinester makes you part of a community, and to be a member of a community means passing on what you know to others within that community. Sometimes it’s technical knowledge, and sometimes it’s the 10 best horror films directed by women. Every zinester has their role.



Feral Publication
Zine News Network, aka ZNN.

An underground publishing company empowering marginalized creators.