Of Jabs, Conditionings, and Creative Barriers

Ferdi Z.’s Drawings Newsletter — Issue 008, June 2021

Ferdi Zebua
Ferdi’s Drawings
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2021


Another week, another three drawings. Here we go!

This week’s drawings

The Jab

Twitter | Instagram | Ello

Just a generic illustration of a syringe injecting a Covid-19 vaccine dose into an arm. I had my 1st jab in the middle of May. Second jab scheduled for August.

No inking on this drawing. Just generic digital pencil. I had been thinking of other details but I’m not putting them in here for now, not enough brain cycles to process blablabla. Other things in my mind; personal, private….

I reserve the right to expand/improve this drawing at a later date. I hope I do exercise that right some time in the future.


Twitter | Instagram | Ello | Diaspora

…Or ‘unconditional’..? 😅 Lol whatever I’m just playing around…

Unconditional love, unconditional respect, unconditional acknowledgement… none of that is as easy to come by in this day in age as a bottle of conditioner. You know that, I know that, everybody knows that.

To note this was drawn with a ballpoint pen on my notebook, and colored on my phone, all done while I was keeping my mom company at the hospital Thursday morning.

Creative Barrier

Twitter | Instagram | Ello | Diaspora | Pixelfed

On the morning of Friday, June 4th, I woke up with the following thought in my mind:

“Don’t limit yourself creatively. Try to identify where you’re limiting yourself creatively, how your limiting yourself, and why you’re limiting yourself. Knowing the problem better makes it way easier to tackle the problem.”

I tweeted it out and let it rest.

And then on Sunday morning I woke up with this concept in my head. With chores n’ all I only got to work on it in short spurts. Even tonight at almost 8:00pm I’m very much not quite satisfied with what I have here. But I’m posting it as is on my Instagram, to keep my own promise to myself of three drawings per week.

As usual I reserve the right to revise this later.

Links and Miscellaneous

Personal news

So the personal news I was talking about last week: The crisis, we’re a good ways past it. My mom’s back from the hospital and is recovering well. Her gallbladder laparoscopy went very well despite her diabetes & her having only one kidney. We’re not 100% out of the woods yet but arguably the worst part is over. One more thing to be grateful, yay, hehe.

Links & news-articles etc. of note

  • China is About to AttackLaowhy86 channel, June 4. (YouTube video, 10 minutes.) A YouTube video by a former US-to-mainland-China expatriate, highlighting how Xi Jinping’s totalitarian post-Maoist regime is about to up its international propaganda game “by 500%”. Spurred by increased international attention on Covid-19 blame-denial, Uyghur repression in Xinjiang, Hongkong, etc., and also by the apparent backfiring failure of their “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy” tactic.
  • The Wuhan lab leak theoryToday in Focus podcast by the Guardian, Jun 3. Joe Biden has asked US intelligence services to urgently investigate the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, including the possibility that it began with an accident in a laboratory. The Guardian’s Peter Beaumont looks at the available evidence.
  • Why Naomi Osaka is fighting the French OpenThe Atlantic, June 2. (Monthly-limit paywall.) Last week, Osaka announced on social media that she was skipping all news conferences during the event to protect her mental health. A few days later following threats from organizers that she would be kicked off the tournament, Osaka outright withdrew from the French Open. Critics quickly portrayed Osaka as shirking one of her fundamental duties: communicating with the public. In reality, the episode laid bare some of the deeper tensions in big-money athletics. Who controls a sport — the leagues that organize the competition, or the athletes who actually play?
  • The NFT market bubble has popped and we’ve got the charts to prove itProtos.com, June 2. This article has been making the rounds lately among the tech-news journalists crowd. What do I think? Me I say yes the BIG-HYPE might be over but to say that NFTs is no more is to say Podcasts and Newsletters are no more, either. (Ha!) (You’re reading a newsletter, by the way.)
  • Data centers use a lot of electricity: There are ways to make them more sustainable TechRepublic, April 21.
  • Uproar about De Oost (2021): Westerling is a criminal. That is my truth. — Erasmus Magazine, June 1.

My socials etc.:

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