Unplugged Eid Ascension

Ferdi Z.’s Drawings newsletter — Issue 005, May 2021

Ferdi Zebua
Ferdi’s Drawings
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2021


This week of May 9th — May 16th marked the end of this year’s Islamic fasting month, and the week commemorating the Indonesian Reformasi. I had wanted to draw something for May 15th (arguably the deadliest day of 1998 in Indonesia, during the May 1998 riots), but I didn’t.

But I did draw four (4) drawings this week, which went beyond my weekly target. Yay!

And so, the drawings…

Additional Medium-crosspost note: This is the first edition I tried cross-posting directly from Revue to Medium. Other previous editions are available at the Revue archive of this newsletter.

This week’s drawings

Eid-al-Fitri + Ascension Day 2021

Instagram | Twitter | Ello | Telegram

Some people had been mentioning that this year’s Eid-al-Fitr fell on the same day as the mainline-Protestant/Roman-Catholic Ascension day. May 12th. I’ve seen several cartoonists & local Indonesian artists doing drawings highlighting that. It did seem like a good path for me to take, so I took it.

The drawing is barely a (colored-)pencil sketch. I thought about ‘finishing’ it but it works well enough as-is, and this was how I had been spreading it. Maybe I’ll turn it into a full drawing some time later. But not for now though.

Female student wearing a hijab & a cross necklace

Instagram | Twitter | Ello | Telegram

The drawing portrays an Indonesian elementary school (sekolah dasar) student wearing a Muslim-style jilbab, but also wearing a prominent Christian cross necklace. The student is implied to be Christian. Yes it does look a bit more like a Catholic nun habit than a Muslim hijab or jilbab, but I like the ‘error’ so I’m keeping it.

Context is the recent Indonesian supreme-court ruling, overturning a joint ministerial decree (SKB) spearheaded by the Ministry of Education, banning State-funded public schools from ­enforcing the hijab as part of their uniform following controversy over a public school in Padang, West Sumatra, that had made hijabs mandatory for all female students. The SKB was published on February 3rd while the Supreme Court struck down the decree this May 10th.

Sunset Study

Instagram | Twitter | Ello | Telegram

A sunset practice painting done in about 15 minutes at home, after getting the idea at sunset while lying in bed. Using a chisel brush and airbrush in Autodesk Sketchbook for Windows 10. More background image I think, than main subject. People seem to like it though. Maybe it’s the red & orange colors.

Unplugged Disconnected

Instagram | Twitter | Ello

This drawing was inspired at the time I drew it by my feeling disconnected from my peers, like I don’t know & can’t seem to get what everyone’s thinking, like I can’t relate.

Drawing this disconnected powerline helped calm my anxiety somewhat. It also inspired me later in the day at around 5pm to draw the sunset painting study.

Links and Miscellaneous

Myanmar coup latest: Japan pledges food aid through WFP — Nikkei Asiaasia.nikkei.com

YANGON/BANGKOK — Japan’s ministry of foreign affairs announces that it will provide emergency grant aid of $4 million through the World Food Programme for food assistance in Myanmar. It will help WFP to provide assistance to some 600,000 people around Yangon, the country’s former capital and largest city, according to a WFP statement. WFP estimates that up to 3.4 million more people, particularly those in urban areas, will face hunger during the next six months.

Hari-hari jelang Reformasi, 20 tahun lalu, dalam gambar dan catatan — BBC News Indonesiawww.bbc.com
Fotografer Erik Prasetya merekam berbagai momen Reformasi 20 tahun, dari hari ke hari, sejak peristiwa-peristiwa jauh sebelumnya, hingga akhirnya Soeharto jatuh. Berikut adalah foto-foto yang dipilihnya sendiri, dengan catatan yang ditulisnya sendiri untuk BBC Indonesia.

Until, Till, ’Til and ‘Till: Correct Usage | Merriam-Websterwww.merriam-webster.com
How should you abbreviate ‘until’? Though many people think ‘till’ is a mistake, it’s actually older than the word ‘until’. ’Til is a more recent invention.

My socials etc.:

Twitter: @f_fz
Instagram: @ferdiz_draw
Ello: ello.co/FerdiZ
Mastodon.cloud: (at)FerdiZ(at)mastodon.cloud
Diaspora: joindiaspora.com/u/ffz
Personal WordPress.com blog: minddumpster.wordpress.com

