A Feren OS Upcoming development update, and current plans for post-Upcoming

The Feren OS Dev
Feren OS
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2024

So, it’s April, and Upcoming is still in development. It’s time to talk about Upcoming, and Feren OS after Upcoming releases.

Where is Upcoming Beta 1?

Short of it is that it’s still in the works. The big blocker, Storium, is still in the works, because…

Storium is temporarily paused

Development on Storium is temporarily paused. Currently, its development is at the middle of the stage of implementing required Cyclical Dependency Detection support (e.g.: aborting if X depends on Y which depends on X), which, once completed, will be followed by finally re-adding Tasks Management support (which is one of the last hurdles towards the first Feren OS Upcoming Beta release).

As for why it’s paused…

Solstice rewrite

One of the new features in Solstice, Upcoming, is undergoing a rewrite. Development on its rewrite started a few weeks ago, slowed down greatly by college, and has progressed far enough to show one of its biggest new features:

If you like modding browsers, this is for you: Solstice now officially supports adding custom CSS mods! While I can only currently show this on Firefox, this image should explain how this works:

A developer-taken screenshot showing a Solstice window, with CSS mods, behind a window showing its custom CSS mod file in a text editor
See the Firefox window on the left — config.json provides options for palette overriding

There is one more feature planned, but otherwise all that remains for this rewrite is re-adding profile creation and profile editing support.

The plan for Upcoming and the future

Currently, Feren OS development has greatly slowed due to reaching a critical point of the final college term. That being said, college concludes in two months, so Feren OS development will soon reach its full speed again (in the nick of time, too)! 🤞

Given all of this, here’s the current plan for Upcoming, and future Feren OS releases:

  • Feren OS Upcoming (Ubuntu 22.04): May — June release date, hopefully? (that, or be the 9th birthday release in July)
  • Feren OS 9th Birthday Release (assuming Upcoming doesn’t become that — based on Ubuntu 22.04 like Upcoming)
  • Feren OS (Ubuntu 24.04) in October onwards…? (to be decided later)

Anyway, now concludes this quick update post to let everyone know it’s still being worked on. Sorry it’s taking so long. :v

