“Feren OS 2022.10” will be delayed again to July 2023, with minor releases coming between

The Feren OS Dev
Feren OS
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2023

This post is an announcement of the delaying of Feren OS’s big update that gives Feren OS the Ubuntu 22.04 base, as well as a newly redone Store application, currently now planned to release in July 2023 at the latest.

This may be even more disappointing than the last delay, but I would like to further delay the release date to July 2023 to provide a more realistic Feren OS big update release date that can be targeted. Initially, I was going to delay it until April 2023, but after reflecting on the time spent on Feren OS between November and January, a further extension to July was applied.

A balance between work, education and life has affected the speed at which work has occurred

Honestly, I hoped the release would be ready for November or January, but unfortunately I ended up being too busy with matters in real life to devote as much time for Feren OS as I thought I would have been able to.

Combine this with time spent on other projects, and Feren OS’s big update is not even ready for an Alpha release yet, mainly because of Storium being too incomplete for that so far.

However, ever since the initial delay until January 2023, I finally decided to properly gague just how much time I have for Feren OS, thus leading to today’s extended delay of the big update.

That being said, I would like to devote more time than I have done to developing Feren OS just to finally get this release out by July 2023, so hopefully I can make some serious progress happen between now and then, and maybe complete everything. 🤞🤞

Why not just release a rebased Feren OS on its own?

The reason I don’t just release 22.04-based Feren OS now, without the big changes planned, is that the big changes planned are way too drastic to just treat as any regular ol’ update — there is going to be a lot of transition work needed for existing users, which is planned to be taken care of by the Major Updater soon after this release finally happens.

The big update is going to be significant, it needs time to bake

I would rather that Feren OS’s upcoming release has to take all the time it needs, rather than provide its users with a half-baked implementation of what I set about to do back in 2021. This is going to be a release that is about equal in significance to Feren OS December 2019 Snapshot, and I am planning to pull out all the stops for this release, so I do not want to release it until it is finally complete.

For now, have another teaser

Initially, I wanted to have a working prototype of the upcoming Store’s bonuses functionality, working with the (now called) Solstice module it will have, so I could demonstrate both that and Solstice itself. Unfortunately, I ended up being bedridden a few days ago for a few days, meaning I was not able to complete said prototype in time, so instead:


The upcoming Feren OS implementation of Ice, the popular Site-Specific Browser program, has gotten a new name, as well as learning a few new tricks:

A dialog asking who’s using the website shown. There is one profile, named “e”, as well as a checkbox below that to “Always use this profile”, and below that buttons to browse as guest, add a profile, or manage profiles.
Solstice’s Profile Manager

First of all, Solstice is likely one of, if not, the first Site-Specific Browser programs to allow usage of multiple profiles per application. Got multiple emails on email services? No problem. Got multiple channels on your favourite video posting services? No problem. With Solstice, you will be able to make as many profiles as you would like for your needs.

Furthermore, the icons of Solstice applications you install are also themeable by icon sets — another first for Site-Specific Browser applications — and the browsers that these applications run in are also designed better for their purpose.

Vivaldi is behind, for the purpose of browsing YouTube. Meanwhile, Mozilla Firefox is in front, for the purpose of browsing BBC iPlayer, although it is on the new tab page, currently.
Vivaldi and Firefox are distinctly designed for their purpose, with other supported browsers using their respective ‘website only’ modes

It is ready when it is ready.

While July 2023 is now the target for finally releasing the big Feren OS update, if it is complete and polished for release before July then it will be released sooner than planned, and if it is not ready by July then it will be delayed until completion.

Until then, enjoy a few more minor updates to the current Feren OS base, and consider joining the Discord Server for more rapid-fire updates on the development of the big update, and more.

