You can now update Feren OS (before November 2020 Snapshot) to the newest Feren OS Snapshot!

The Feren OS Dev
Feren OS
Published in
4 min readDec 25, 2020

Users of Feren OS Classic, and users of Feren OS before the November 2020 Snapshot, your time has finally come. Merry christmas, everyone, and today I’m proud to announce the official release of the Feren OS Major Updater’s rewrite, and therefore the update paths to Feren OS November 2020 Snapshot and later!

Update paths and instructions

For the purpose of assistance with updating, here are the instructions for taking each available update path:

Feren OS -> Feren OS November 2020 Snapshot

To update Feren OS to its latest version, you’ll want to go through either Update Manager or System Maintenance.

  1. Update everything on your system (having an up to date system is required by the Major Update to operate anyway).
  2. Relaunch Update Manager or System Maintenance.
  3. In Update Manager, click OK on the strip up top mentioning a new major update being available. In System Maintenance, there will be a task for the Major Updater in the reports section, of which you can press ‘Open the Major Updater’ to proceed with.
  4. Feren OS Major Updater will appear, where you can press Next, and then ‘Begin the update’. If you’d like, you can take note of the removal list on the final page.
  5. The system will now prepare for the update process automatically, until it finishes preparing.
  6. Once prepared, there will be 1 minute before Feren OS automatically reboots. If you’d like to reboot sooner, click ‘Restart Now’ manually.
  7. On the next boot, Feren OS will now begin updating. Let it update itself.
  8. Once done and back to your Desktop, there’ll be a few remaining updates in Update Manager that require user intervention to install.

Feren OS Classic -> Feren OS November 2020 Snapshot

To update Feren OS Classic to Feren OS, you’ll want to go through either Update Manager or System Maintenance.

  1. Update everything on your system (having an up to date system is required by the Major Update to operate anyway).
  2. Relaunch Update Manager or System Maintenance.
  3. In Update Manager, click OK on the strip up top mentioning a new major update being available. In System Maintenance, there will be a task for the Major Updater in the reports section, of which you can press ‘Open the Major Updater’ to proceed with.
  4. Feren OS Major Updater will appear, where you can press Next, and then ‘Update to Feren OS’, and then ‘Begin the update’. I’d recommend also taking note of the final page before pressing ‘Begin the update’, so you know what will be changing.
  5. Feren OS Classic will now begin transitioning to Feren OS. Partway through transitioning, there will be 1 minute before Feren OS automatically reboots. If you’d like to reboot sooner, click ‘Restart Now’ manually.
  6. On the next boot, Feren OS Classic will finish transitioning to Feren OS, and then take you back to your Desktop or the login screen.
  7. Let Feren OS configure Plasma automatically (will take a minute or so to do) to import some of your settings from Feren OS Classic.
  8. Once that is done, the Feren OS Major Updater will be waiting to continue the major update. Press ‘Begin the update’ to continue.
  9. The system will now prepare for the update process automatically, until it finishes preparing.
  10. Once prepared, there will be 1 minute before Feren OS automatically reboots. If you’d like to reboot sooner, click ‘Restart Now’ manually.
  11. On the next boot, Feren OS will now begin updating. Let it update itself.
  12. Once done and back to your Desktop, there’ll be a few remaining updates in Update Manager that require user intervention to install.

Feren OS Classic -> Linux Mint 20

If you want to keep Cinnamon, don’t fret — you can choose to instead convert your installation of Feren OS Classic into a Linux Mint installation while preserving most of your install and configurations.

  1. Update everything on your system (having an up to date system is required by the Major Update to operate anyway).
  2. Relaunch Update Manager or System Maintenance.
  3. In Update Manager, click OK on the strip up top mentioning a new major update being available. In System Maintenance, there will be a task for the Major Updater in the reports section, of which you can press ‘Open the Major Updater’ to proceed with.
  4. Feren OS Major Updater will appear, where you can press Next, and then ‘Switch to Linux Mint 20’, and then ‘Begin the update’.
  5. Feren OS Classic will now be slowly converted to pure Linux Mint 19.3, the base of Feren OS Classic’s latest snapshots.
  6. Once transitioned, a full-screen Terminal will appear where the upgrade process from Linux Mint 19.3 to Linux Mint 20 will occur. Follow all the instructions on screen, and go through the upgrade procedure. Don’t worry about warnings about installed packages unless you’ve personally installed any packages that could compromise the upgrade process.
  7. Once that is done, do any final steps that you need to do, some of which are outlined by the Major Updater, and then simply restart.
  8. You’ll now be on pure Linux Mint 20 when you next boot. All your installed Themes from Store can still be applied via the newly installed ‘Apply a Feren OS Themer Theme’ utility at any time, and you’ll be able to upgrade that Linux Mint install normally.

Enjoy the latest Feren OS, everyone! Unless you decide to choose Linux Mint if you’re a user of Feren OS Classic, in which case fair enough, and cheers for trying out Feren OS.

NOTE: It goes without saying that 32-Bit users ARE NOT eligible for the Major Updater. If you aren’t eligible, an item will appear in reports in System Maintenance telling you about this.

