Announcing the Next DeFi Staking Client: Vision Network

Dominik Martin Świerkot
3 min readAug 3, 2020


Dear Ferrum Community,

We are pleased to announce that Vision Network will be utilizing Ferrum Network’s DeFi Staking for the Vision Token (VSN).

Vision Network is a up and coming DeFi project building a set of tools to connect the various DeFi platforms. Interested persons can read more about them here.

In this article, we describe how Vision Network will be utilizing the UniFyre Wallet DeFi Staking Platform for the benefit of the VSN token holders.

Staking VSN Token Through Ferrum’s Flexible DeFi Staking Platform

With the emergence of DeFi and the appeal of passive income, staking has taken on a relevance like never before. Unfortunately, staking has mostly been reserved for big cap projects with main net, leaving hundreds of exciting new projects with no viable option to offer staking for their own token.

This gap in the market is why we built our flexible DeFi staking platform for any ERC-20 token. Participants lock their tokens and earn high yields based on the length of time staked. It’s like a decentralized high-yield bank account, with maximum customization for projects and flexibility for participants.

Participants Have Options to Unstake Early or Stake Until Full Maturity for Highest Rewards

Staking will be done through the UniFyre Wallet DeFi Staking Platform, which is completely decentralized based on our flexible staking smart contract. But our DeFi Staking Platform is not only simple and rewarding, it is unique in number of ways.

First, participants will have the option of short term staking, medium term, or long term (or you could even decide to stake in all 3 pools!). The timing, APR, and other details of the staking pools will be announced in the coming weeks.

Unlocking Link Drop, Pool Drop and Swap Drop Technology for VSN

The Vision Token (VSN) will be listed on UniFyre Wallet next week, enabling holders to take advantage of our ‘Link Drop’ technology, which allows users to send crypto assets to anyone over their platform of choice using a single link, including:

  • Telegram
  • Twitter
  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • Instagram
  • Email

and all other social media or communication platforms where links can be posted.

Moreover, the listing enables our revolutionary ‘Pool Drop’ technology for VSN, meaning influencers, users and the Vision Network project itself will be able send VSN to up to 100 people at once using a single link, making contests, AMAs and other marketing campaigns completely seamless.

Finally, VSN will be among the first projects to utilize our ‘Swap Drop’ technology for risk-free OTC trades (more information to be released soon).

Benefits to FRM Holders and Community

As always, the listing fees paid in VSN will be distributed to everyone holding 100,000+ FRM in their UniFyre Wallet. The time of the snapshot and the distributions will be announced soon.

What’s Next

Please stay tuned for many more staking clients, partnerships and UniFyre Wallet listings to be announced in the coming days!

As always, thank you for your continued support of Ferrum Network.

-The Ferrum Network Team

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A project’s use of our staking technology and/or wallet listing does not constitute an endorsement of that project or its token from an investment standpoint. All projects that use our staking and/or listing are clients, unless otherwise stated. Cryptocurrencies, tokens, and other digital assets are high risk and highly speculative. They may lose their value. All staking participants are advised to do their own research before staking any tokens.



Dominik Martin Świerkot

Twitter: @domscrypto | Bringing Top Notch Marketing To Blockchain & Crypto