Announcing the Next White Label Token Bridge — PureFi

PureFi will become the next project to both list on the Ferrum Network Cross Chain Token Bridge and deploy their own white label version!

Nick Odio
3 min readAug 13, 2021


Announcing the Next White Label Token Bridge — PureFi

Dear Ferrum Community,

We are thrilled to announce the next project to list on the Ferrum Cross Chain Token Bridge and deploy the white label versionPureFi!

PureFi focuses on compliance tools such as AML and KYC to protect DeFi players like DEXs, IDO platforms, lending and farming protocols and retail investors against dirty money risks when interacting with DeFi markets.

PureFi to Deploy a White Label Version of Ferrum’s Cross Chain Token Bridge

While many tokens initially list their token on Ferrum’s native version of the bridge, PureFi is going all out with their very own white label version. This means that the bridge will reside on PureFi’s web page and will be presented to their community in a way that represents the branding of PureFi. PureFi will also be listed on Ferrum’s native version of the bridge!

Since the end of the public round our community has asked us to implement a bridge between Ethereum and BSC. So this collaboration is exciting for a number of reasons. First of all, such collaboration enables PureFi to utilize a trusted ready made solution instead of building it from scratch, allowing our developers to focus on our Beta. Secondly, by working with Ferrum we no longer need to dilute our developer’s attention for integrating other bridges to interact with additional L1 chains on our list, like Polygon and in the future, chains such as Solana. Thirdly, stay tuned for more partnership related announcements regarding integrations of PureFi Beta with Ferrum core products!

Sasha Antropov — Co-Founder & Business Development Officer PureFi Protocol

Projects like PureFi Can Customize the Bridge to Fit Their Needs

With the emergence of cross chain interoperability, bridging has become an increasingly necessary component for all projects who choose to become compatible across multiple chains. However, the most notable solutions on the market do not allow for additional token utility. One of the most enticing features of utilizing the Ferrum Cross Chain Token Bridge is that a project has the ability to add utility to their token through customizable fees that are charged every time an asset is bridged.

For PureFi, when UFI holders bridge tokens, PureFi will lock 100% of the fees that they generate in a company reserve. This will help to increase the price floor for and limit sell pressure for UFI!

Stay tuned.

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

About PureFi

PureFi focuses on compliance tools like AML and KYC to protect DeFi players like DEXs, IDO platforms, lending and farming protocols and retail investors against dirty money risks while interacting with DeFi market. Literally acting as a filter of high risk assets (illicit funds), BUT importantly, maintaining anonymity of users without breaking the concept of decentralization.

PureFi is well positioned for institutional finance players, hedge fund operators, and pension funds with trillions of dollars under management etc; all of which have a growing interest to use DeFi products. PureFi aims to de-risk interacting with DeFi particularly in regard to AML and compliance.

PureFi Important Links

White Paper

Ferrum Network Important Links








Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.