Ferrum Advisory Services Introduces Manga Project & it’s FOMO Chronicles Series!

Ivan | Founder of AVio


An ecosystem combining Manga, Art NFT’s and Decentralised Finance.

Ferrum Network is pleased to announce Manga, a project developed as ecosystem combining Manga, Art, NFT’s and Decentralized Finance.

As massive fans of both Manga and DeFi, the team at Manga had the passion and vision to bring Manga to the blockchain. Combining it with the massive digital potential of NFT’s (Non-Fungible Token’s) and the might of DeFi (Decentralized Finance), this has created an ecosystem where you get paid to own and read Manga!

MANGA — What is it ?

Manga is a Japanese style of artwork that is published in a graphic novel format, similar to comics in the West. Although slightly different, there is also a Chinese version is called Manhua and the South Korean version is called Manhwa.

MANGA is Big Business

Manga makes up over 40% of all published magazines and books in Japan. This makes Manga larger than all comic production in America.

In 2020 Manga sales topped a record breaking 600 billion Yen.($5.5Billion) According to The Asahi Shimbun Article


The most recently available data on manga sales in the United States revealed that manga sales growth amounted to 44% in 2020.

Why Manga ?

Ferrum Network understands the need to digitize Manga, which is a natural progression of the genre, making it more far reaching and less reliant on physical resources for production. Manga project aims to store Manga on the blockchain as digital assets that wont ever degrade, and minting them as NFT’s combining their ability to encrypt all sorts of additional information and utility, is the perfect evolution. With the recent massive rise in value and popularity of NFT’s combined with the record levels of Manga sales, to blend the two was a necessity. To further integrate DeFi (Decentralized Finance) is the next level.

Ferrum and Manga — DEFI match made in heaven

Ferrum Network’s intent to bring the world of decentralized finance and blockchain to common world encompasses also various entertainment, social segments. Understanding the needs of millions of people who are Manga readers, enthusiasts, and fans, yet may not be blockchain ecosystem savvy is no different. This is a great opportunity for people to enter the world of blockchain.

With the plan to merge the worlds of Manga and DeFi and bring you a project Manga and it’s first Manga series The Fomo Chronicles, including a Token ($MANGA) that can be used in Manga‘s DeFi ecosystem, the doors are fully open the world of DeFi. Some of the benefits will be ability to reward readers and investors with passive earnings among other utilities.

Fomo Chronicles Logo

The FOMO Chronicles

With The FOMO Chronicles you will ‘Earn as you Learn’ about many aspects of crypto along with best and safe practices. The FOMO Chronicles will be released as a limited edition NFT series, with multiple bonus utilities, which will be announced closer to release date. One such utility will be an allocation of $MANGA tokens which can then be used within the Manga DeFi ecosystem.

$MANGA token

Token Use Cases

The $MANGA Token is the native token for the entire Manga ecosystem. It will have multiple uses, be it as a payment system ledger, including for project Staking and Farming rewards.

Qualifying token holders will be allowed for $MANGA airdrops.

Token will also play role as an NFT creation asset.

The token will be used for “Creator Grants”.

Qualifying token holders will be guaranteed NFT Manga Subscriptions.

$MANGA token will also allow for access to Manga Governance Committee for qualifying parties.

The Vision

The vision of MANGA is to become world renowned as a leading project for Manga and its art form on the Blockchain, rewarding both investors and artists alike. One of MANGA’s priorities is to help new artists as well as established Manga projects to enter the crypto space and become successful on the blockchain. This will be done by providing guidance and funding through the MANGA grant program.

MANGA Partnerships

MANGA has already secured multiple partnerships with established successful crypto projects to produce exclusive Manga editions. These partnerships will be announced in coming days and weeks.

The partnerships will center around their own characters and provide a brief insight and their backstory. These editions will be offered predominantly to their communities and will include extra bonus utilities from each specific project. This will be one of the many reasons for purchasing a subscription for guaranteed Manga NFT’s.


Manga is here to stay and Manga DeFi project will be a big part of that future. Stay tuned for more details !!

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum Network is building a DeFi ecosystem that interacts across chains and removes barriers to mass adoption with user-friendly products and services including swaps, staking, anti-bot technology, and cryptocurrency transfers, along with industry gold-standard Incubator Services.

The project’s cross-chain DAG enables the transfer of any digital asset in milliseconds at a near zero fee, providing immense value to the entire industry. Ferrum’s Dapps such as non-custodial UniFyre wallet revolutionized the way people send cryptocurrency with “Link Drop” technology and is transforming the OTC market with risk-free OTC swaps embedded in a possible link. share.

Ferrum’s Staking as a Service is currently used by countless projects to enhance their token utilities and their community offerings.

Cross-Chain Token Bridge Developed by Ferrum Network fully customizable product is a fast and safe means of moving assets between Ethereum and Binance Chains among others.

Anti-bot Services, also known as Fair Launch Protection System, are stopping over 600 ETH and counting, worth of Bot dumps for projects, helping them get off to a great start.

Ferrum Network’s incubated projects form the strategic development of the Ferrum Ecosystem as well as for the blockchain community as a whole.

Stay tuned for Ferrum Network launching DeFi technology in 2021 and beyond.


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Ivan | Founder of AVio

Founder & Entrepreneur | Architect | Avant Consulting (AVio) | Generative AI, Blockchain, DeFi, Advisor & Researcher.