Ferrum and Hacken Form Strategic Partnership — Hacken Joins the Iron Alliance

Ferrum Advisory Services continues to improve their security efforts with the Iron Alliance’s addition of Hacken.

Nick Odio
2 min readNov 2, 2021


Ferrum and Hacken Form Strategic Partnership — Hacken Joins the Iron Alliance

The Importance of Security

If there’s one thing thats become apparent within the world of crypto over the last few months, it’s that smart contract security is of the utmost importance to preserving the integrity of DeFi and the crypto space as a whole. Ferrum Network has a reputation to uphold as we continue to prioritize security over everything we do.

Who can you trust?

Fortunately, solutions like Hacken exist. At Ferrum we believe that Hacken provides some of the highest grade auditing services, bug bounty programs DDoS resistance and Pentests in the industry. Not much really gets past this team which is why we are thrilled to announce that Ferrum will now be utilizing Hacken for product audits along with referring projects to Hacken. This will include, not only projects that we incubate through FAS, but also the numerous clients that utilize our products and the plethora of partners that come to us by way of the Iron Alliance.

With so many projects in our ecosystem and more being added regularly, due diligence is of great importance for a project like Ferrum. By providing a streamline connection between our various potential partners and Hacken, we believe that this partnership will help strengthen the security and reputability of the Ferrum ecosystem.

Every solid industry player knows about the Iron Alliance. Many top projects are forming the Ferrum Network ecosystem. This partnership will give a very strong impulse to the expansion of Hacken in the market. We keep on maintaining our status as a leading security auditor of blockchain projects.” Dyma Budorin — CEO at Hacken

About Hacken

Hacken is one of the leading providers of B2C, B2B, and B2G cybersecurity services to clients from Europe, Asia, and North America representing such industries as crypto, blockchain, sharing economy, retail, financials, etc. For the last 3 years, Hacken has entered into cooperation with 500+ companies including such famous brands as Vechain, Gate.io, KuCoin, CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, and others. Hacken is the official partner of Solana Foundation and Simplex and, since March 2021, an active member of the Linux Foundation. Hacken ecosystem is powered with native utility token HAI. As of now, Hacken is one of the biggest cybersecurity auditors of crypto exchanges in the world that has saved users’ assets worth >$10 bln.

In Closing…

We are excited to embark on this journey with such an established and reputable company. We only see growth from here on out for Hacken and Ferrum!

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

Hacken Important Links

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Medium

Ferrum Network Important Links

Website | Telegram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube



Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.