Published in
1 min readOct 29, 2018

Hello Community, we have a lot of exciting updates to bring to you. Since our unveiling in Consensus NYC in march 2018, the Ferrum Team has been hard at work at developing the tech for the product. Below are the development updates.


The Ferrum Beta Wallet is finally a reality. The Ferrum Wallet enables a user to trade in any crypto assets regardless of chain. “The Ferrum Wallet is a game-changer in the world of crypto, the ability to trade any assets with super low fees and lightning quick transactions will revolutionize the industry” says Naeim Yeganeh PhD and founder of Ferrum Network. The Ferrum beta wallet currently supports FRM tokens, BTC, ETH, True USD, Gemini Dollar, and XRP. “The speed and ease of use is absolutely breathtaking, we are excited to be part of a project that will lead to mass adoption of digital assets” states Ian M. Friend Esq, co-founder of Ferrum Network. Extensive speed tests performed on the platform have demonstrated instantaneous transfer of cryptocurrency assets.

Read More: http://www.bit-cointalk.com/2018/10/23/ferrum-network-development-update/




I am the founder of Ferrum Network. I love distributed databases and cryptocurrencies. My hobbies are coding and teaching machines to learn.