Ferrum Advisory Services

Ferrum Network introduces Ferrum Advisory Services NFT division!

Ivan | Founder of AVio
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2021


Ferrum Network’s renowned Ferrum Advisory Services is announcing Ferrum Advisory Services NFT division commonly known as FAS-NFT. FAS-NFT divison, which is part of a larger Growth Strategy Division (GSD) strategic initiative, which we will announce shortly to our community, is tasked with project partnerships related to NFTs encompassing artists, musicians, and much more!

For those that are just becoming familiar with Ferrum Network, we have been no strangers to the NFT world. Ferrum Network and it’s affiliated Ferrum Advisory Services have been involved in the arena of NFTs for quite a long time. Through projects such as BONDLY, PLAYCENT, newly launched UREEQA, and upcoming NETVRK to name a few, Ferrum Network has long ago envisioned the growth of this segment of the market. With release of highly successful Metal Ox NFT created by renowned NFT creator Marco-O-Matic imbued with Ferrum Token utilities, Ferrum has shown NFTs are here to stay!

Ferrum Network strategic outlook accounted for the exponential growth in the NFT arena that has been a fast expanding segment of the blockchain market. With ERC721 standard for NFTs and additional standards adoptions such as ERC-1155, the possibilities are truly endless and constantly expanding in the NFT sector.

The Ferrum Advisory Services NFT division will provide Ferrum Network Community, and it’s many current and future projects the necessary platform and focus on the NFT market sector. We will be announcing in coming days, weeks, and months, a lineup of blockbuster partnerships, projects for the NFTs. Rest assured as with anything Ferrum Network brings to the table, NFT strategy will bring growth, quality, and success to the already renowned name that is Ferrum.

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Ivan | Founder of AVio

Founder & Entrepreneur | Architect | Avant Consulting (AVio) | Generative AI, Blockchain, DeFi, Advisor & Researcher.