Ferrum Network is Joining Binance Chain!

Ian M. Friend, Esq.
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2019

Dear Ferrum Network Community,

It is with great pleasure to announce that Ferrum Network will be integrating with Binance Chain! This means that:

  1. A portion of our native utility token (ticker: FRM) will be made available on the Binance Chain as a BEP-2 token (more details regarding timing and amount to follow);
  2. We will be submitting a proposal to list FRM on Binance DEX, AFTER PRIMARY LISTING; and
  3. BNB and other BEP-2 tokens will be easy to integrate with and list on the UniFyre Wallet.

Binance Chain and the BEP-2 standard is the perfect fit from a business and technical standpoint, and we could not be more thrilled by this opportunity.

Why Binance and the Future of Crypto

Ferrum Network is always searching for innovative solutions and ways to improve. From a technical standpoint, Binance Chain and the BEP-2 standard represents the future of tokens — simple, fast, and customizable.

From a business standpoint, Binance is the indisputable global leader in crypto. No matter the product — whether Binance.com, Binance DEX, or Binance Chain — Binance is synonymous with quality, user-focus, and innovation. It is an honor and privilege to be joining the Binance Chain family.

Binance Chain — a Perfect Fit for FRM

Beyond the business benefits, having FRM on Binance Chain offers three distinct technical benefits:

1) FRM on a fast, low-cost chain;

2) FRM on a chain that enables the burning of tokens (a critical component of the Ferrum Network security and ecosystem);

3) FRM on a chain that enables the freezing and unfreezing of tokens (is necessary for our staking model)

In other words, the three critical components of the FRM token — speed, burning and staking — can be performed on the Binance Chain with the click of a button.

ERC-20 fans do not despair — a portion of FRM will also be ERC-20 before all tokens migrate over to the Ferrum Network main net in early 2020.

Binance DEX Application

After FRM is on the Binance Chain, we will be submitting a proposal to list on Binance DEX. We are counting on community support to help us get there!

BEP-2 and UniFyre Wallet Integration

By integrating with Binance Chain, this means that all BEP-2 tokens will be easy to integrate and list on our UniFyre Wallet.

This opens up all sorts partnership opportunities with other Binance Chain projects, and also provides our users access to more high-quality tokens within the UniFyre Wallet, which will be compatible with Binance Chain.

What’s Next

We will be announcing more details regarding the timing of the Binance Chain integration, along with some exciting partnerships within the Binance Chain family.

Thank you for your continued support of Ferrum Network.

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team


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Ian M. Friend, Esq.

Co-Founder, COO and General Counsel at Ferrum Network — a fast interconnectivity network for decentralized cross-chain financial applications