Ferrum Network Integrates Product Suite with Moonriver

Ferrum will be bringing their suite of white label products and services to the Moonriver ecosystem! This includes their Cross-Chain Token Bridge and Staking as a Service solutions.

Nick Odio
3 min readFeb 9, 2022


Dear Ferrum Community,

We are delighted to say that we have become a part of one of the most promising and vibrant ecosystems — Moonriver!

What Have We Built So Far?

Ferrum has integrated the Moonriver blockchain with our suite of white label products, including our Cross-Chain Token Bridge and our Staking as a Service solutions. Projects building on Moonriver will now have access to these products. We also aim to help grow the Moonriver ecosystem through the Iron Alliance — our vast network of incubated and partner projects. Ferrum will be referring projects to Moonriver and to Moonbeam Foundation’s developer support program to encourage building on Moonriver.

Our Plan for Continued Development

At Ferrum development never stops. We are currently working on 2 new products that are near completion and will be introducing them to the Moonriver ecosystem as soon as they are complete. This includes the evolution of the Cross-Chain Bridge; v1.2 of the bridge which will enable cross-chain swaps, making assets on Moonriver more composable. It will also encourage TVL on DEXs as the volume that will be transacted across the protocol will be sourced from Moonriver native DEXs.

We will also be releasing an innovative new DeFi product called Reflection Staking. This will allow for projects to introduce deflationary incentive mechanisms to their token via open-ended staking pools.

Value Add for the Moonriver Ecosystem

Our M.O. at Ferrum has and will continue to be to empower startups and builders, enabling them to get their core products to market faster. With over 150 clients to date, we have been providing products and adding layers of token utility to projects for the last 3 years! With this in mind, it can be expected that through not only our products but, in turn, through Ferrum Advisory Services, Ferrum will be the conduit for many projects to choose Moonriver.

“We are excited by the different solutions Ferrum is bringing to Moonriver — we’re sure they will help bolster the growth of the ecosystem as they have already done with other networks in the space.”

— Francisco Javier Agosti, Markets & Ecosystem Development at Moonbeam

Furthermore, inherent to our product suite are bi-products that will encourage TVL on the network (via our Staking as a Service solutions), more composable assets and liquidity being ported to Moonriver (via the Cross-Chain Token Bridge), and a vision for future iterations of these products that will create deflationary mechanisms (via Reflection Staking) and further TVL (via Cross-Chain Aggregator).

“Very few networks seem to be positioned to generate as much traction as Moonriver. When deciding where to prioritize our dev resources in terms of product integrations, Moonriver was an obvious choice. EVM compatibility, Polkadot Ecosystem, incredibly competent team… the list goes on and on and we couldn’t be more thrilled to encourage the growth of each others ecosystems.”

— Ian Friend, Co-Founder and COO at Ferrum Network on why Ferrum chose Moonriver

In Closing…

We could not be more thrilled to be the latest addition to Moonriver’s amazing community and ecosystem. We will work diligently to ensure that we bring value to the network. We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship.

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

About Moonriver

Moonriver is a parachain on Kusama that provides a seamless environment for teams that are most familiar with the Ethereum technology stack. Like its sister network, Moonbeam, the Moonriver smart contract platform capabilities feature unmatched Ethereum compatibility that goes beyond basic EVM support, simplifying the process to build an application on Kusama.

By mirroring Ethereum’s Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, subscriptions, logs, and more, Moonriver minimizes the changes required to run existing Solidity smart contracts on the network. Ethereum projects can simply replicate their DApp and deploy it to Moonbeam using Hardhat, Truffle, Remix, and other popular deployment tools.

Moonriver Important Links

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Ferrum Network Important Links

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.