Ferrum Network Receives Grant from DEVxDAO to Build Casper Network Bridge

DEVxDAO has approved a sizeable grant that will allow Ferrum to integrate Ferrum’s Cross-Chain Token Bridge and other products with Casper Network.

Nick Odio
3 min readDec 22, 2021


Ferrum Network Receives Grant from DEVxDAO to Build Casper Network Bridge

Dear Ferrum Community,

It is with great pleasure that we are able to say that we will be the proud recipients of a grant from the “Future-Proof” smart contract platform, Casper Network. After much deliberation, the team at Casper, in conjunction with DEVxDAO, have put their faith in Ferrum.

What does this grant entail?

At Ferrum, we are constantly striving to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to not only market trends but the future of scalable and interoperable networks.

“At Ferrum, our mission is to ‘break down barriers to mass adoption’. Casper’s ‘enterprise optimized’ and ‘future-proof’ approach to encouraging adoption was directly in line with our ethos. We’re extremely grateful for the opportunity to bridge Casper to the rest of the cryptosphere and could not be more excited to be working alongside such an incredibly innovative team.”

— Nick Odio EVP of Strategic Partnerships and Growth at Ferrum Network

Integration of Cross-Chain Token Bridge

Ferrum will be integrating the Casper network with the Ferrum Cross-Chain Token Bridge. As we continue to add more and more networks to the bridge, the prioritization of Casper seemed like the logical next step in fulfilling our mission of making Ferrum the cross-chain powerhouse that we envision. We look forward to being a catalyst for porting liquidity to the Casper ecosystem!

“Casper and Ferrum share a common objective to break down barriers to mass adoption of Web3 by accelerating enterprise and developer deployment of future-proof, decentralized technologies.”

— Ralf Kubli of the Casper Association.

Integration of White Label Staking as a Service Products

Ferrum’s bread and butter has always been our tried and true Staking as a Service solutions. That being said, we’ve been primarily focused on projects within the Ethereum, BSC, and Polygon ecosystems. Not anymore! With this integration, we hope to not only provide these incredible products to projects already building on Casper, but we aim to encourage more developers and dApps to make Casper their home.

Casper to Join the Iron Alliance

We are thrilled to onboard Casper into the Iron Alliance. Very few ecsosystems in the industry provide as much value to its constituents as the Iron Alliance. The Iron Alliacnce is a cohesive collective of projects, always seeking to better the landscape of decentralized protocols. We are fortunate to gain such a benevolent project such as Casper Network and we look forward to seeing the value that the Alliance returns to Casper.

Looking Ahead

Currently, on Ferrum’s roadmap, there are a number of products that are in the works. From Reflection Staking to our gamified Leaderboard to our Cross-Chain Infinity DEX. These are all products that could be of tremendous value to Casper and those projects choosing to build there. Therefore we will look to bring future products to Casper as well!

In Conclusion

We look forward to beginning our journey with Casper and believe that this will end up being a long-lasting and fruitful relationship. We will keep the community updated as we work on this integration over the coming months. Thank you to the Casper and DEVxDAO teams for the opportunity and thank you Ferrum Community for all of your unwavering support!

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team


DEVxDAO is an independent group of developers and builders that work tirelessly for the decentralization of communication, governance, and infrastructure. The DEVxDAO is the beneficiary of a generous endowment from Casper Association, the DEVxDAO uses that endowment to give grants that serve decentralization.

About Casper

The Casper Network is the first live proof-of-stake blockchain built off the Casper CBC specification. Casper is designed to accelerate enterprise and developer adoption of blockchain technology today and evolve to meet user needs in the future.

Casper Important Links

Website | Telegram | Twitter | YouTube | Discord | Github

Ferrum Network Important Links

Website | Telegram | Twitter | YouTube



Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.