Ferrum to Join Polygon Developer Support Program… and much more

Nick Odio
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2021

Don’t Hesitate to Innovate

The crypto space has come quite a long ways since the days of Crypto Kitties clogging the Ethereum blockchain. We’re seeing innovation on a daily basis from changing the legacy financial protocols to the way we buy and view art. Staying ahead of the curve is of paramount importance for any company in the space. However, teams are finding it incredibly difficult to do so with the current limitations that we experience through Ethereum.

Scaling Solutions

With the recent downturn in the markets, it’s easy to call out the obvious regulatory scares and FUD as the reason for it. However, the one glaring hole that has plagued the industry since its inception and inhibited mass adoption globally is a blockchain’s inability to scale. Gas fees are simply unaffordable to an overwhelming majority of the planet, leaving a massive source of capital completely untapped.

Ferrum Integrates with Polygon

While there are both L1 and L2 solutions in place that solve this issue, there is one who’s leading the pack by quite a lot in terms of adoption. Polygon is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of cost, ease of use, and decentralization. Frankly, we at Ferrum absolutely love the team and are thrilled about what comes next. We are so excited to share that Ferrum Network and Polygon have decided to join forces. There are a few elements to this integration so let’s dive in!

Ferrum Joins Polygon Developer Support Program (DSP)

Ferrum is extremely excited to share that we have joined the Developer Support Program of Polygon and have received an EARLY Build Grant to help facilitate bringing our highly sought after Ferrum tech to the Polygon network. Through Polygon’s DSP Ferrum will also receive marketing and promotional support, technical guidance for project development, and connections to investors. We plan on using this grant to make our white label Staking solution Polygon compatible!

Ferrum to Refer FAS Incubated Projects to Polygon’s Developer Support Program

On top of Ferrum being a part of the Developer Support Project, we have already started the process of referring FAS incubated projects to Polygon to join their DSP as well. We believe that there are many synergies between the projects within our ecosystem and the ecosystem that Polygon is building. We thought, why not bridge the two?

Ferrum’s White Label Token Bridge

Speaking of bridging the two, why not bridge three? Ferrum’s newly launched white label Token Bridge gives projects the ability to bridge their tokens between Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain with many more chains to be added in the coming weeks. When Polygon heard this news they were thrilled. The Matic bridge itself is absolutely amazing but having more bridges that help to port liquidity to Polygon is extremely bullish for the network as a whole. Furthermore, giving companies within the Polygon ecosystem a solution that their communities can use directly on their website brings an unprecedented level of trust. Therefore, Polygon will be encouraging projects and DEXs in the ecosystem to integrate Ferrum’s Token Bridge on their website, as our’s will be the first white label bridge solution to enable seamless swaps between Polygon, BSC and Ethereum.

Polygon to Refer Projects to Ferrum Advisory Services

Finally, Ferrum has established itself as the go to white glove service for early stage projects’ incubation needs. Due to an impressive track record of launching quality companies, Polygon will be referring early stage projects to Ferrum Advisory Services for incubation services where they see fit.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are quite a lot of elements here. This would suggest that Ferrum is committed to helping facilitate in L2 adoption and removing barriers to entry for mass adoption. We could not be more thrilled to be working alongside one of the most professional and talented teams in the space. Stay tuned for more by way of Ferrum’s cross chain efforts!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

About Polygon

Polygon is the first well-structured, easy-to-use platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building and connecting Secured Chains like Plasma, Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, Validium, etc, and Standalone Chains like Polygon POS, designed for flexibility and independence. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 350+ Dapps, ~128M txns, and ~1M+ unique users.

If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! Leverage Polygon’s fast and secure txns for your Dapp, get started here.

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.