First Kudi Ghana Expansion and Pre-Launch Campaign

Ian M. Friend, Esq.
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2020

Dear Community,

We are thrilled to announce that within the next few weeks, the First Kudi mobile app (powered by Ferrum Network) will expand into Ghana and open up deposits/withdrawals for the Ghanian Cedi!

Soon First Kudi will be introduced to an entirely new market in West Africa of nearly 30 million people — furthering our vision of building the preeminent African financial empowerment app.

In this article, we provide an overview of the Ghanian crypto market, our partnership with Stanbic Bank Ghana, the details of our Pre-Launch Sign-Up Campaign, and much more!

The Ghanian Crypto Market

Ghana is the perfect market for the First Kudi mobile app. With a population of nearly 30 million and limited opportunities to access the crypto market, First Kudi will be among the only apps to provide a fiat gateway to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are growing in popularity as an investment vehicle and payments option, due in part to the fact that Ghana experienced 9% inflation in 2019.

From a payments standpoint, Ghanians enjoy access to a number of mobile money apps, but are subject to high transaction fees. Unlike Kudi, there is no other app that offers the instant transfer of the Cedi for no fees. Moreover, there is no app that also provides a bank card and bank accounts for their users.

In sum, First Kudi in Ghana will be the most comprehensive mobile app to invest, transfer and pay using next-generation blockchain technology.

Partnership with Stanbic Bank Ghana

To enable near instant Cedi deposits and withdrawals from the app, we have partnered with Stanbic Bank Ghana — one of the biggest banks in Ghana.

This means that First Kudi will now be the most reliable, low cost, and easy way to invest in digital currencies like BTC, ETH, and FRM, and will allow our users to send the Cedi to anyone instantly for 0 fees.

You can expect more beneficial partnerships to be announced over the coming months aimed at improving the First Kudi user experience.

Introducing the Pre-Launch Campaign

For all Ghanians interested in First Kudi, you now have an opportunity to be among the first users in Ghana!

Not only will you earn rewards for signing up early, but you will be the first to access our upcoming referral program, and have access to opportunities such as ambassadorships, and even full-time employment!

Rewards for First 500 Sign-Ups

The first 500 pre-launch sign ups for First Kudi in Ghana will receive rewards in the Ferrum Network Token (FRM). FRM is the utility token of the Ferrum Network —the technology that powers the Kudi app.

The rewards will be separated into 2 payouts, totaling 400 FRM for the first 200 sign ups, and 200 FRM for the next 300 sign ups.

Reward Structure

The first 200 sign ups will receive 200 FRM sent to the Kudi Wallet shortly after the app is launched.

The next 300 sign ups will receive 100 FRM.

Then, 3 months after launch, we will send the second, equal batch of FRM rewards to the early adopters who continued using the app.

Early Sign Up Link

Sign up here to be among the first 500 Ghanian users!


Bonus Competition for the Most Active Users

Soon we will announce the structure of our Kudi Competition — with generous rewards given to the most active users.

Referral Rewards for Ghana

Next we will introduce our referral reward system that will allow users to earn more just for referring their friends and family to the app! More information on this will be announced after launch.


We will also introduce a First Kudi Ghana Ambassadors Program. A handful of the most active users can become ambassadors and help grow the app.

These ambassadorships could potentially grow into full time employment as we expand the team on the ground. The details of the Ambassador program and reward structure will be announced soon.

Kudi Ghana Events

We are planning on hosting a number of events in Ghana over the coming months. Stay tuned to the Kudi Telegram Channel for more details.


We are proud to be working closely with a small group of early adopters on the ground who are providing key insights into the market. We want to thank them for all their help and invite them to become First Kudi Ghana Ambassadors!

We are extremely excited to be launching our app for the benefit of all Ghanians and we can’t wait to open up Cedi deposits.

Very Truly Yours,

The Ferrum Network Team







Bitcoin Talk:






Ian M. Friend, Esq.

Co-Founder, COO and General Counsel at Ferrum Network — a fast interconnectivity network for decentralized cross-chain financial applications