Get To Know BK The Artist

BK The Artist to Drop Responsibly Minted ™ UREEQA Validated NFT via Ferrum Advisory Services with NetVRk Utility

Nick Odio
6 min readApr 24, 2021


Ferrum Advisory Services NFT Division, also known as FAS-NFT Division, recently dropped a bombshell on both the Ferrum community and the NFT world by announcing a four way partnership between Ferrum Advisory Services — BK The Artist/UREEQA/NetVRk! We realize thats a lot to take in. What could this all-star lineup possibly have up their sleeves? Let’s start with BK The Artist.

BK The Artist is dropping his very first NFT… but not just any NFT

BK The Artist — The Hands of Time #2

The Hands of Time #2

BK The Artist is proud to announce that for his first ever NFT, he will be dropping the digital representation of a painting (which he has chosen not to sell yet) titled “The Hands of Time (#2).” This work comes from his Acrylic Alchemy collection which he described in a soon to be released interview with Ferrum saying, “It’s the idea of the alchemist taking a base metal and raising it into gold… taking a base level of awareness of a human being and enlightening them. And so I try through acrylic paint, literally like a science lab cooking up different compositions that can inspire conversations that could help make our world a better place.”

“The piece really deals with ‘what are you gonna do with your time here?’ At the end of our lifetimes, imagine yourself in a room. And there’s these columns of all the minutes, all the months, all the weeks, all the years, decades, etc of your life and they’re gonna be tall stacks… but they could be hollow or they could be filled with incredible content and things that you did with that time when you were here.”

— BK The Artist

Who is behind it?

BK The Artist has been a beacon of light throughout his career as an artist. It’s only fitting that an artist of BK’s caliber breaks onto the NFT scene with power and purpose. Hence the formation of a dynamic partnership with Ferrum Advisory Services. Given the vibrant community and ecosystem that they have created, Ferrum is ready to unleash some of the many valuable resources it is fortunate to have access to.

UREEQA’s First Responsibly Minted ™ NFTs

There’s a lot of firsts going on here. Not only will this be BK The Artist’s first NFT but this will also be one of the very first Responsibly Minted ™ NFTs which will be verified, validated, and authenticated by UREEQA. “The Hands of Time (#2)” will come with an associated robust Package of Proof that will be permanently written to the Ethereum blockchain. BK shares the same enthusiasm about UREEQA as we at Ferrum do as evidenced when he stated, “What I’m doing with UREEQA as far as Responsibly Minted ™ NFTs and being able to be verified. That takes it to a whole new level.”

This is a very exciting time for everyone involved. UREEQA will be showing the world just why it’s so important to validate, verify, and authenticate the creative content within a given NFT. For Ferrum, this is extremely exciting to see a project that we so deeply believe in, showcase what makes them so special. As for BK The Artist, take it from BK himself. “No matter where it goes, it can be traced back to me. It gives you a level of security in your creations.”, BK said in regard to the matter during a recent interview with UREEQA.

NetVRk to provide BK The Artist with his own virtual art gallery

What NetVRk has been building over the course of the last 4 years is truly remarkable. There’s a lot of reason to be excited about the endless possibilities that can be created within NetVRk but one that truly stands out will be the Art District that is to be constructed. BK The Artist will be amongst the first artists to have his very own art gallery that will showcase his genius inside the virtual world of NetVRk. When asked about what excited BK about NetVRk he had this to say, “I haven’t even digested and marinated all the ways yet that I could really exploit that kind of technology married with my work because when you just talk about how its gonna be animated on the screen ‘yeah that’s gonna be dope.’ But imagine if you could go inside the painting and be in it in a 3D world and understand that literally I’ve created a space that exists inside these compositions.”

As NetVRk gets ready for their token generation event (TGE), we couldn’t think of a better time to drop these NFTs. We believe that this is just the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between a physical being and a virtual reality.

When and where will these NFTs be available?

BK The Artist’s “The Hands of Time #2” will be available for auction on April 29th via OpenSea.

How many editions of this NFT will exist?

A total of 7 editions of “The Hands of Time #2” will be minted:
5 to be available for auction on OpenSea
1 to be associated with the physical painting and will remain in the possession of BK The Artist until he sells the physical painting
1 to be remain locked away in the Ferrum vault for future mysteries…

Why should I buy this NFT?

BK The Artist — The Hands of Time #2 — In the making

Why should I buy this NFT? The short answer? “The Hands of Time (#2)” is a timeless (pun intended) piece of artwork that a brilliant artist carefully crafted. However, Ferrum just can’t seem to release anything that isn’t imbued with multiple layers of utility. Therefore, not only will the highest bidders receive the debut NFT of an artist who we believe will have a long career in the world of NFTs, but winners of the auction will also be entitled to airdropped tokens and private sale allocations!

Airdropped Tokens from FAS Incubated Projects

Thanks to NetVRk and UREEQA, Ferrum will be airdropping both $URQA and $NTVRK tokens to the winners of this limited collection of NFTs. A total of 200 $URQA tokens and 5,000 $NTVRK tokens will be available to the winners of these highly coveted digital collectibles. Heres the breakdown:

Highest Bidder receives 2500 $NTVRK and 100 $URQA
2nd Highest Bidder receives 1000 $NTVRK and 40 $URQA
3 Lowest Bidders receive 500 $NTVRK and 20 $URQA

Who knows what these tokens will be worth in the coming months!? Only the winners of the auction will be rewarded these air dropped tokens so get your ETH ready.

Private Sale Allocations for Future FAS Incubated Projects

So you may be asking yourself, ‘aside from the FOMO that everyone is having to be a part of history by owning the first ever NFT from BK The Artist as well as one of the first Responsibly Minted ™ NFTs from UREEQA, are there other reasons to purchase this NFT on the after-market?’ The answer is YES!

  • The wallet in which each NFT resides will be airdropped 0.1 allocations worth of tokens for every FAS Incubated Project in perpetuity.
  • No need to fill out pledge or contribution forms, just hold the NFT in your wallet, sit back and receive airdropped tokens from quality Ferrum incubated projects.
  • If the NFT changes wallets so does the rights for the airdrops.
  • Furthermore, these tokens will not take away from the allocations that FRM/FRMX holders receive. These will come straight out of Ferrum’s share of advisory tokens.

***At the time of this writing 0.1 allocations is worth roughly 6,000 USD/10,000 FRM tokens or 1,200 USD/0.1 FRMX tokens***

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.