Introducing BSCView Staking in Partnership with Ferrum Network

Ian M. Friend, Esq.
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2021

Hello Ferrum Community,

Following a successful launch of BSCView on Pancake Swap, we’re excited to introduce BSCV staking, powered by Ferrum’s flexible staking technology!

BSCView is building the most comprehensive trading tools available for Binance Smart Chain. Ferrum Network is proud to be working closely with the BSCView team to bring our many unique technologies, including this exciting staking round!

General Overview

BSCView staking can be likened to a decentralized high-yield savings account — it offers constant time-based returns based on staking time. The longer you stake, the higher the rewards. That may seem basic, but BSCView Staking unique in many ways.

First, it is pool based. Meaning it is a group activity with multiple contributors for each staking contract.

Second, it is flexible. Meaning you have the option to withdraw early, stake until full maturity, or withdraw somewhere in between. But be warned: leaving early comes at a cost.

Finally, it is strategic. Meaning if you stake until full maturity, and others in your pool withdraw early, you will receive a portion of their rewards.

There will be 4 staking pools: Student (shortest), Master (medium) and Ten Bagger (medium VIP) and Five Percenter (long VIP). The terms of each staking pool (rewards, lengths, minimum contribution, etc.) are detailed below.

To stake, just connect your Metamask to the staking contract, deposit your BSCView into the pool, stake until you wish to withdraw, and then withdraw to get your principal and rewards automatically sent back to your wallet. Easy!

Keywords and Unique Features

BSCView Staking has some unique features such as early withdrawal, forfeited/redistributed rewards, and additional rewards for full maturity.

Limited Time to Contribute

Once the staking pools are opened, you will be given a limited amount of time (5 days) to contribute. After the time expires OR the contract is full, contributions will close forever.

Full Maturity

Stake until full maturity to receive maximum rewards. Maturity will have a date and time assigned at which time full rewards will be available for withdrawal, so you will know exactly when you can withdraw to receive the maximum rewards.

In addition, if you stake until full maturity, you will likely receive additional rewards from those who withdrew early.

Early Withdrawal

BSCView Staking offers an early withdrawal option for flexibility. Early withdrawal will have a date and time assigned so you will know exactly when you can withdraw early.

Although rewards are lower for early withdrawal, they increase linearly every day — past the early withdrawal date right up until full maturity.

Forfeited and Redistributed Rewards

BSCView Staking pools are like a pie. The project will place a predetermined amount BSCView into each pool prior to launch. This number will not change. If stakers leave early, the pie does not shrink, they’ll just receive less, while the proportion given to remaining stakers will increase.

Therefore, the longest stakers will earn more than just the maximum APY, they will also earn a share of rewards left behind by those who stopped staking.

The Staking Pools

There will be 4 staking pools: Student (shortest), Master (medium) and Ten Bagger (medium VIP) and Five Percenter (long VIP).

Student Staking

  • Full Rewards: 20% annualized
  • Full maturity: 30 days
  • Early withdrawal starts: 5 days
  • Early withdrawal reward start at: 3% APY
  • Pool size: 400,000
  • Time period to contribute: 5 days
  • Minimum amount staked: no minimum

Master Staking

  • Rewards: 40% annualized
  • Full maturity: 45 days
  • Early withdrawal starts: 15 days
  • Early withdrawal rewards start at: 5% APY
  • Pool size: 500,000
  • Time period to contribute: 5 days
  • Minimum amount staked: no mininum

Ten Bagger Staking:

  • Rewards: 60% annualized
  • Full maturity: 60 days
  • Early withdrawal starts: 30 days
  • Early withdrawal rewards start at: 10% APY
  • Pool Size: 500,000 BSCView
  • Time period to contribute: 5 days
  • Minimum amount staked: 7,500 BSCView

5 Percenter Staking

  • Rewards: 80% annualized
  • Full maturity: 90 days
  • Early withdrawal starts: 45 days
  • Early withdrawal rewards start at: 15% APY
  • Pool Size: 400,000 BSCView
  • Time period to contribute: 5 days
  • Minimum amount staked: 15,000 BSCView

What’s Next

Next we will release BSCView Staking webpage and then we will open up the staking pools for contribution!

Thank you!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

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Ian M. Friend, Esq.

Co-Founder, COO and General Counsel at Ferrum Network — a fast interconnectivity network for decentralized cross-chain financial applications