Introducing Miami & Wine: A Ferrum Experience

Ferrum will be attending DCentral Miami! Want to join us? Having a hard time convincing your significant other? Buy ‘em a bottle of Ferrum Wine. Oh yeah… there are two VIP Staking Pools involved too.

Nick Odio
5 min readOct 13, 2021


Dear Ferrum Community,

We recently announced the Ferrum Experience Series; an initiative that ‘bridges’ our digital and physical worlds to cultivate a deeper sense of community amongst our Ferrum Community while enriching our token economy!

We are proud to announce our VERY FIRST Ferrum ExperienceMiami & Wine!

Part I: Iron and Wine

Two questions… Do you like Ferrum? Do you like wine? If you answered yes to both of these, we have something for you!

Ferrum Branded Wine

A long-time Ferrum supporter and Governance Committee member happens to own a small winery in the south of Portugal. He was kind enough to approach us with an amazing collaboration idea!

For this collaboration, Ferrum will be offering anyone who owns at least 1000 FRM the chance to purchase a bottle of Ferrum branded wine! A biodynamic regenerative red wine from a 2019 monovarietal castelão grape to be specific.

How do I get my hands on some Ferrum Wine?

We will be taking a snapshot of all Unifyre wallet addresses (date TBA). If you hold at least 1000 FRM in your Unifyre wallet at the time of the snapshot, you will qualify to purchase a Ferrum branded bottle of wine!

You will then be sent a contribution form. The contribution form will ask you for your address. If you don’t want to disclose that, feel free to leave a PO Box. You will need to contribute 500 USDT/BUSD/USDC. The contribution form will close as soon as we have reached 300 contributions so you’ll want to move fast.

Iron & Wine Pool

Addresses who contribute for a bottle of Ferrum branded wine will also automatically be whitelisted for a VIP LP Staking Pool with a high APY… the “Iron & Wine Pool.” The Iron & Wine Pool will be in partnership with our Preferred Partner DEX on Polygon; Dfyn.

Iron & Wine Pool Details:

Maturity: 90 Days
Early Withdrawal: 30 Days
APY: 80%
Early Withdrawal APY: 40%
DEX: Dfyn
Network: Polygon
Rewards: FRMx

Buyback + Burn + Liquidity

Aside from the lucrative staking pool, we looked to find other ways to not only add utility to FRM but to decrease the supply and increase the depth of our liquidity across chains as well.

With the USDT/BUSD/USDC that we receive from the wine contributions, we will be buying back FRM on either BSC or Polygon. We will then use the Ferrum Cross-Chain Token Bridge to bridge that FRM to Ethereum, thus burning 0.5% of the amount bridged. From there, we will add the FRM to our Preferred Partner DEX on Ethereum; Bancor’s impermanent loss protecting single-sided liquidity pool. We see this as a much better option to adding liquidity to the likes of Uniswap as it allows us to buy back twice the amount of FRM since we will not need to pair it with another asset.

Part II: DCentral Miami

It's been a while since many of us were able to travel. Wanna get away? So do we! Let's meet up… in Miami!

Meet the Ferrum Team at DCentral Miami

The Ferrum team will be headed to Miami to represent our wonderful company at DCentral Miami; one of the largest DeFi/NFT conferences in the world! Ferrum will have a booth (with plenty of wine), Ian will be giving a keynote speech, and we have 10 extra VIP tickets to share with 10 of our most loyal FRM/FRMx holders!

What's more, these 10 winners will receive an all-expenses-paid (up to $2k for travel + Lodging & $800 VIP Ticket***) trip to hang out with the Ferrum team for a couple of nights in Miami during one of the most happening times of the year. DCentral will be taking place during the same week as Art Basel; one of the world’s largest international art conferences.

Where do I sign!?

We will be taking a snapshot of the Top 200 addresses on the Leaderboard (date TBA). If you are in the Top 200 FRM/FRMx holders at the time of the snapshot, you will have a chance to be one of the 10 winners to be selected!

After the snapshot, a pledge form will be sent to the emails of the Top 200 FRM/FRMx holders. Those who pledge will be whitelisted to enter a VIP LP staking pool with high APY… the “Miami Pool”. The Miami Pool will be in partnership with our Preferred Partner DEX on Polygon; Dfyn.

Those whitelisted for the “Miami Pool” will need to contribute LP tokens to the pool in order to qualify. Anyone who contributes to the pool will have a chance at winning a spot, but this will be a weighted lottery system. The more LP tokens contributed, the better your chance at winning.

Miami Pool Details:

Maturity: 90 Days
Early Withdrawal: 30 Days
APY: 100%
Early Withdrawal APY: 50%
DEX: Dfyn
Network: Polygon
Rewards: FRMx

In Conclusion

We hope that our beloved community is as excited about this as we are! Our mission here was twofold. We wanted to spend time on an initiative that increased our liquidity across the various chains and DEXs in which we’re live. We wanted to add more utility FRM. We wanted to utilize the leaderboard but provide the entire community with an opportunity to stake prior to the launch of the highly anticipated Crucible.

More importantly, though, we wanted to provide our loyal holders with a way to experience the world of crypto through mediums other than the magical internet money that so often distracts us from the physical world that is just begging to be seen! We wanted to do something that sparked our senses. Whether it be through a nice glass of wine or a trip to come kick it with your favorite team in crypto!

Stay tuned! Snapshot details will be coming soon. See you in Miami… and if not… enjoy some Ferrum Wine and some ridiculously high APY staking pools. Cheers 🍷🍷

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.