Introducing Operation Iron Mountain

Ian M. Friend, Esq.
5 min readJan 8, 2021


Dear Ferrum Community,

It has been an incredible past few months for Ferrum, with the explosion of our Staking-as-a-Service business, the success of our incubator, and soon the launch of a top secret DeFi protocol we have been working on behind the scenes…

But even with our recent successes, Ferrum still has a lot of room to grow. With Operation Iron Mountain, we are ready to climb into the top 100 of blockchain projects… and we are going to do it together!

Operation Iron Mountain: Base Camp

We know many in the community have been asking for a major global exchange listing, which is now more important than ever with the high Uniswap gas fees.

We are therefore extremely excited to report that we have secured a listing on a global exchange and FRM will be listed there in a few weeks! This is a major milestone that will increase liquidity for the FRM token and increase our presence in the crypto space.

However, rather than simply list on a new exchange, we wanted to take this opportunity to give back to our community, generate additional interest in Ferrum, and showcase one of our most powerful staking technologies…Therefore, we are proud to introduce Operation Iron Mountain — a unique and valuable way to engage with Ferrum and receive amazing benefits in return!

The Climb: A Global Exchange Listing with Combined VIP Community-Based Raise and VIP Staking Round

What is Operation Iron Mountain? In short, Operation Iron Mountain combines a global exchange listing, with a VIP community-based private round, followed by a VIP staking round, which along with other surprises, will take Ferrum and our community to unprecedented heights.

In the run-up to the upcoming global exchange listing, Operation Iron Mountain will start with a small and exclusive VIP community-based fund raise, followed by a highly attractive VIP staking round for those who participated in the raise (for those who do not participate in the raise, don’t worry — there will also be staking available for you as well)!

More details on the listing, VIP raise, and VIP staking round will be released in the coming days. In the meanwhile, we want to convey some critical early information so people can begin to prepare to climb the Iron Mountain…

Why first, why did we approach the listing in this unique manner and what will the funds be used for?

Turning the Listing into Something Much Bigger

Some teams might have simply announced the exchange and been content with the results. At Ferrum, we always ask how can we do more, how can we do better?

Taking the lessons we learned from the Foundry incubator — such as the fact that investors are looking for exclusive private deals, and lessons we learned from our staking clients, like the fact investors love access to exclusive VIP staking pools — we decided to take this exchange listing and give it maximum impact.

Get the Community Involved and Put Ferrum in the Spotlight

For those who have been with us for a while, they will remember we conducted only a small raise in the heart of the bear market. Today, we are a profitable business through our Staking-as-a-Service, Foundry Incubator, and African exchange app, such that we are not dependent on the raise to cover the listing fees.

However, in 2021 we will reach a series of major milestones (including ones that aren’t even on our roadmap…) that we strongly believe will put Ferrum in the position to lead the way to mass adoption. Therefore, we want ensure that Ferrum has the required marketing funds to put Ferrum and our groundbreaking products into the spotlight.

To offset the costs required to reach the peak of Iron Mountain, we could easily have raised funds from any number of VCs or whales who regularly approach us for OTC deals. However, that would have gone against our community-first approach. We would much prefer to climb the Iron Mountain together with our loyal supporters!

Therefore, Operation Iron Mountain includes a private round open to anyone holding at least 50,000 FRM in their UniFyre Wallet, and offers additional benefits to our loyal community members by granting access to a high-APY exclusive VIP staking pool where they can stake their FRM to earn valuable FRMx.

Let’s learn more about how everyone can climb the mountain!

Critical Information on Operation Iron Mountain

While the full details of the VIP raise and staking round will be announced in the coming days, here is the critical information you will want to know now:

  • You must hold a minimum of 50,000 FRM in your UniFyre Wallet by the time of the snapshot to qualify to participate;
  • The minimum investment will be $1,000 USDT/USDC, the maximum will be $10,000;
  • The more FRM/FRMx you hold, the more you will be able to invest over and above the required minimum investment of $1,000;
  • The maximum we will raise in total is $300,000;
  • The price per FRM will be determined 24 hours ahead of the actual sale;
  • Participants will be given a 5% discount off the spot price;
  • Participants in the raise will receive 50% of their tokens at the time of the sale and will be allowed/required to stake those tokens in the Iron Mountain VIP staking pool. They will receive the other 50% of FRM tokens 30 days later subject to demonstrating proof that they staked in the VIP staking pool;
  • Participants will stake in a high-yield exclusive VIP staking pool with a duration of three months and a highly attractive APY of 150% paid in FRMx (see here how holding FRM and FRMx will get you free monthly FRMx rewards);
  • The UniFyre Wallet snapshot to see who qualifies to participate in Operation Iron Mountain will be held on Sunday January 16th, 2021;
  • Qualified participants will have guaranteed access as long as they fill out the pledge form in a timely manner;
  • A secondary non-VIP staking pool will also be available for the wider community; and
  • All further information regarding Operation Iron Mountain will be revealed in the coming days.

What’s Next

More details concerning the raise, the tiers, and the timeline will be announced in the coming days. For now, we will continue our marketing campaign so that the entire crypto space wants to join Ferrum and Operation Iron Mountain!

Thank You

We want to thank the entire Ferrum community for supporting us over the years…. its amazing to think we are just getting started! Now who is ready to climb the Iron Mountain with us?!

Very truly yours,

-The Ferrum Network Team

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum Network is building a DeFi ecosystem that interoperates across chains and removes barriers to mass adoption with user-friendly products for swapping, staking, and transferring cryptocurrencies. Its cross-chain DAG will enable the transfer of any digital asset in milliseconds for near-zero network fees, unlocking tremendous value for the entire industry. Ferrum’s non-custodial UniFyre Wallet has already revolutionized the way people send crypto with its “Link Drop” technology, and is transforming the OTC market with risk-free OTC swaps embedded in a shareable link. Ferrum’s Staking-as-a-Service is now used by dozens of projects, and our Token Bridge is the fastest, and most secure means of moving assets between Ethereum and Binance Chain. Look for Ferrum to launch more transformative DeFi technology throughout 2020 and beyond.

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Ian M. Friend, Esq.

Co-Founder, COO and General Counsel at Ferrum Network — a fast interconnectivity network for decentralized cross-chain financial applications