Introducing the Ferrum Experience Series — An Initiative in Community Building

Ferrum introduces the Ferrum Experience Series; an initiative that bridges the digital and physical to foster a sense of camaraderie amongst the Ferrum Community!

Nick Odio
2 min readOct 11, 2021


Introducing the Ferrum Experience Series

Dear Ferrum Community,

As most of you know, Ferrum has been hard at work recently with the Ferrum Cross-Chain Token Bridge. We are thrilled to say that we are working on another type of bridge… and one that doesn’t require nearly the amount of dev work!

We are proud to introduce the Ferrum Experience Series; an initiative that ‘bridges’ our digital and physical worlds to cultivate a deeper sense of community amongst our Ferrum Community!

Why are we doing this?

When you’re involved in a space as consuming as crypto can be, it's not uncommon to find yourself behind a screen making friends with avatars instead of enjoying time with friends and family… in real life. It's not uncommon to pursue digital collectibles as opposed to enjoying actual physical things.

After many discussions regarding this topic, we at Ferrum decided that we wanted to do our part in bringing that balance back to the lives of those within our community. We also wanted to make sure that, in doing so, we were doing something that no other project in the space was currently doing!

So… what is it!?

With the Ferrum Experience Series, we will be giving our community of FRM/FRMx holders the opportunity to take part in things that happen “in real life” (our Co-Founder Ian’s favorite phrase). These could be events such as ‘all expenses paid’ trips to hang out with the Ferrum team in a vacation destination or a Ferrum branded item that could be shipped directly to you!

For those of you that prefer not to participate and stay behind the screen… don't worry! As with everything we do at Ferrum, we will be intertwining excellent token utility with these initiatives that will add value to our token economy as well!

We will be announcing the first Ferrum Experience VERY SOON!
Hint: It combines a vibrant tropical location with delicious luxury beverages!

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

Ferrum Network Important Links

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.