Introducing the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance — A Ferrum Advisory Services Initiative

Ferrum introduces the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance as a means of streamlining the path to success for FAS incubated gaming and metaverse projects.

Nick Odio
4 min readJan 18, 2022


Dear Ferrum Community,

As many of you have likely come to know, there is A LOT that goes into incubating a solid project. At Ferrum Advisory Services, we pride ourselves in being one of the most hands-on, white-glove incubator services in the space. However, the space is constantly evolving, and rinsing and repeating doesn’t work forever in this industry. Staying ahead of the curve for the betterment of Ferrum, our community, and in this case, the projects that we incubate is of the utmost importance.

With the recent advent of gaming guilds, coupled with the fact that FAS has taken a keen involvement with gaming and metaverse projects, we thought it imperative to take advantage. Therefore, we are proud to introduce the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance — A Ferrum Advisory Services Initiative!

Introducing the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance

The Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance is a sector of the Iron Alliance, comprised of a multitude of guilds across the blockchain gaming and metaverse space. It is designed to facilitate the overall success of the gaming and metaverse projects that we incubate at FAS.

What is a Gaming Guild?

In order to understand what the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance is, it's important to understand what a gaming guild is. With the advent and popularity of P2E gaming, in-game assets have become not only a key component to the gaming model but an expensive one. Sometimes to the point of pricing a game out of the retail gaming market. This is where guilds come in.

Guilds pair investors with gamers through scholarship programs in which investors provide gamers (often from lower socioeconomic regions) with the necessary in-game assets to play the game in exchange for a portion of the players’ earnings. In many cases, it not only gives the gamers a chance to compete in the game but provides them with a stable liveable income. Guilds give games an active user base, players access to the market and a stable income, and investors an ROI they are not only happy with but proud of how it’s earned.

What are the Objectives of the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance?

▶️ Baked in Audience of Gamers — One of the most challenging things for any young project is building a community. That challenge is amplified when that community needs to consist of a niche category of end-users… in this case gamers! Since guilds are designed to deploy an army of players to games that they find value in playing, we believe that having an alliance of these guilds will encourage the adoption of the games that we incubate.

▶️ Sound Investors — One of the tasks at Ferrum Advisory Services is to connect our projects to other entities that can help support the project with funding. These include VCs, KOLs, Launchpads, etc. The problem with a lot of money floating around in the space is that it’s just there for a quick flip and many are prone to dumping. We spend a lot of time doing due diligence on what institutions to connect our projects to. So, when it comes to gaming projects, Guilds provide quite possibly the best source of investment available for 2 huge reasons. One, they bring real value with their investment in the form of actual users (gamers). And 2, the assets they purchase are needed for their players to use, thus they rarely ever sell.

▶️ Beta Testers — Before a project’s alpha is launched, it's the standard to have a beta release. In order to put the best product to market, gathering feedback and implementing what makes sense is necessary. However, having industry-leading experts as your beta testers is a luxury that not many projects are fortunate enough to have prior to their game gaining traction. Its a bit of a chicken and the egg dilemma but through our connections at Ferrum and the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance we can solve this.

▶️ Incentive Schemes — One of the most important aspects for a game to not only gain traction but maintain it is ‘Stickiness’. Stickiness is anything about a game that encourages a visitor to play longer. A game is sticky if a visitor tends to stay for a long time and to return. Guilds only want to be a part of games whose in-game economies are conducive to them earning income. When guilds see potential in a game, they will help to optimize it in a way that justifies them playing it. This helps both the guilds but more importantly, the project!

Who Will be a Part of the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance?

At Ferrum, while we may move fast, we make sure that we have things lined up before simply shooting from the hip or making unsubstantiated claims. Over the last couple of weeks, we have spent time gathering feedback from our Governance Committee around the perceived efficacy of an initiative like this and which projects to get involved with. We then reached out to some of those projects and established relationships with them preemptively. We are proud to say that upon announcing the initiative, we are already lined up with multiple gaming guilds who have agreed to join the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance. Stay tuned to find out who!

In Conclusion

We are thrilled to embark on this journey of the Ferrum Gaming Guild Alliance. We believe this will add a ton of value to the projects that we are currently incubating and those that have already launched. We look forward to seeing the fruits of the sector of the Iron Alliance in action!

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.