Introducing the GovWorld Leaderboard Competition: A Ferrum Community Growth Initiative

After recently releasing the news of the Ferrum Community Growth Initiative and a new Marketing Growth Fee for FAS pre-sales, Ferrum is proud to introduce the first installation.

Nick Odio
5 min readNov 9, 2021


Introducing the GovWorld Leaderboard Competition: A Ferrum Community Growth Initiative

Dear Ferrum Community,

As many of you know, we recently introduced the Ferrum Community Growth Initiative. We are proud to announce that we will be conducting the first installation of this exciting new initiative, and putting the Marketing Growth Fee to good use for the upcoming GovWorld raise!

Recent Ferrum Advisory Services Successes

While the market is undoubtedly bullish right now, Ferrum Advisory Services’ (FAS) projects have been outperforming the rest of the market by leaps and bounds. NetVRk at the time of writing is sitting at over 85x from the private sale price that FRM/FRMx holders entered at. UREEQA had an all-time high of around 70x with Poolz doing over 120x!

Of some of the more recent FAS pre-sales, Revolve Games has hit an ATH of 27x and seems to be on the move! The most recent launch, Gamestation, exploded onto the scene with an all-time high of 41x and currently a 34x with lots of room to grow!

Emphasizing Community Growth

While all of the aforementioned success is absolutely stellar for the folks who were able to reap the benefits, it still feels as though awareness around Ferrum’s value with its pre-sales belongs to a niche group of savvy investors.

At Ferrum, we pride ourselves on being a community-centric company that looks out for the best interests of all of our investors. Big and small. New and old. As the price of FRM/FRMx increased and longtime holders started to make up the majority of the allocation allotment for pre-sales, we started noticing that the barriers to entry were too high for those who were new to Ferrum or those trying to justify increasing their holdings. By implementing the Ferrum Community Growth Initiative and Marketing Growth Fee, we aim to rectify some of these shortcomings.

GovWorld Leaderboard Competition

To begin this initiative, we are excited to roll out a brand new feature of our Cross-Chain Leaderboard called Leaderboard Competitions. We are starting this competition for our upcoming pre-sale — GovWorld!New Leaderboard Details

We have released a new and improved Leaderboard just in time for this exciting initiative!

This iteration of the Ferrum Network leaderboard is going Cross-Chain. The deployment of the leaderboard, Leaderboard v1.0, allows Ferrum holders to see their rankings on the basis of their holdings on a single network like Ethereum or BSC. The current iteration is no longer looking only at UniFyre addresses. With the release of the next major iteration holders will be able to track their ranking for a token-based holdings across networks.

  1. Rankings based on your wallet holdings — Community members are able to see their current rankings based on their BEP20 FRM holdings
  2. Gamification, Competition Modules and more — The first iterations of our sophisticated competition modules is launching with Leaderboard v1.0. Holders now have an option to “Level up”, this option directly takes them to the project specified DEX to buy the exact number of Ferrum tokens required to jump to the next level in the leaderboard. This will be the basis of time and theme-based competitions being released with our competition module in Leaderboard v1.1

In order to encourage volume and give the folks who may not be in a position to purchase large amounts, we have enabled the Leaderboard to read BEP20 FRM holdings only (wallets on BSC). Soon, the leaderboards functionality will be upgraded to read the holdings on all EVM compatible networks.

Our new leaderboard has an important innovation, the “Growth/Reduction” feature, that allows us to track whether a wallet has added or subtracted to its FRM position in a given time period. This feature allows us to incentivize campaigns like this one!

Who can participate?

The aim here is to encourage the growth of the Ferrum community. Therefore, we are thrilled to say that anyone who purchases at least 1 FRM will have the chance to win an allocation. You heard that right! Just ONE FRM grants you a chance at winning an allocation in the private round of one of the most promising projects launching this month!

How does it work?

As mentioned in the Ferrum Community Growth Initiative and Marketing Growth Fee article, we will now be reserving 5% of the total allocation to both new and smaller holders. In this case, there will be an extra $15,000 allocation that will be allocated to said holders.

Tier 1
By utilizing the new and improved Ferrum Leaderboard, folks who add the most BEP20 FRM will be rewarded. The top 10 wallets who add the most BEP20 FRM between Wednesday November 10th at 14:00 UTC and Friday November 12th at 14:00 UTC will automatically receive a $500 allocation into the GovWorld pre-sale.

Tier 2
This tier represents an opportunity to encourage new and smaller holders to participate in the Ferrum ecosystem. 40 allocations of $250 will be awarded via a weighted lottery. These 40 wallets can buy as little as 1 BEP20 FRM between Wednesday November 10th at 14:00 UTC and Friday November 12th at 14:00 UTC.

Keep in mind that while it is possible to win one of these 40 allocations with as little as 1 BEP20 FRM, the more BEP20 FRM you buy within the given timeframe, the better your chances of being selected!

Important Note: You must hold your FRM through the first distribution of GovWorld or you will be refunded your allocation minus a 10% penalty/gas fee.

In Conclusion

We hope that these Leaderboard Competitions, as part of the Ferrum Community Growth Initiative, will bring new investors to our remarkable ecosystem of holders and encourage big and smaller holders to add to their bags. We are looking forward to seeing the results, and we want to extend a ‘token’ of our warm gratitude to everyone who is making it possible!

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team



Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.